Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birthers in the news.

The official Obama press department, formerly known as CNN, reports that Robert Gibbs has "shot down" the birthers by saying, in effect, "Nuh-uh! You are!" Obviously "shot down" has a different meaning when you're inside the echo chamber.

I really wish the White House would just cough up the birth certificate and shut these people up, because having lackeys come out and issue defensive-sounding statements like that just makes you sound guilty as sin. I'm half ready to buy some Reynold's Wrap and make a yarmulke myself, especially after reading incriminating evidence like this.


  1. And isn't that the whole crux of the matter? Produce the birth certificate, and 99% of this crap goes away.

    How easy is that?

    Unless, of course, the birthers are right....

  2. Even if all the paper birth certs are gone (The ones in, say, the U. S. State Department passport office, the Illinois Bar Exam offices, Indonesian Immigration files, etc, etc, he was born in a hospital- there would be medical records of Mrs. Obama's delivery, too.

    I'm no birther, but there are too many ways to put this to rest.

  3. I think that BO's acting stupidly (OK, sorry, couldn't resist) over this whole thing. And I can't see where the talking head "shut down" the "birthers" - he just looks like a man who's desperately trying to divert attention.

    Wanna shut the "birthers" down? Post the freakin' birth certificate.

    The more the White House protests and obfuscates the matter, the more I start to wonder if the birthers aren't right.

  4. Once again, I'll simply state that it would have been nice for the media to have as aggressively "shot down" the OBVIOUS MemoGate forgeries as they have "BirthCertGage"...

  5. Wait...so all these copies of his birth certificate from the State of Hawaii don't satisfy you?

    Or are you a word parser that says that the Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth isn't a birth certificate, despite the fact that various officials of the State of Hawaii, including the Governor, say that's what it's called there?

  6. Unless, of course, the birthers are right....

    Of course, if they're wrong why would Obama want to shut them up? When your enemies are acting like loonies, why would you want to stop them?

  7. I'm officially jumping on the conspiracy bandgwagon myself; I'm going with Codrea's story.

    Obama is waiting to see how big the story will get and whether any big Republican fish will jump on board before he pulls the rug out from under them. He might very well think he can get Sarah Palin, for instance, to say something about "growing suspicions" or the like. Then when the birth certificate leaks and/or some reporter gets the grandmother to admit she MAY have exaggerated her role in The Arrival of The One a little bit . . . . well, anyone on the bandwagon looks too kooky for anyone to listen to them.

  8. I don't think Boyd is conversant in snark. Tam makes it easy too.

    Look at the label at the bottom of this post.

  9. "When your enemies are acting like loonies, why would you want to stop them?"

    That's been my take on this issue from the get-go.

    People on the Right are looking for a magic wand they can wave to wish Barry into the cornfield. At this point, it wouldn't matter if he'd been born in Latvia to a KGB agent and the illegitimate great-granddaughter of Karl Marx, but rather than deal with the heavy lifting of politics, some folks are wishing for a rainbow-farting unicorn to make him go away.

  10. Three horrible words should put all this to rest: President Joe Biden

  11. here's a lil' something for the stew...check out the left hand column, (health bureau statistics/births, marriages, deaths), 4th from the bottom.


  12. The Advertiser thing strikes me as fairly dispositive...

    ...on the other hand, that's what the Illuminati want us to think. So fnord.

  13. I'm square in the "he's crazy like a fox" camp. Occam's Razor says he was U.S.-born, so he's letting his opponents run their mouths and look like idiots. Plus, whenever a movement gets that "if you'd only see the light" vibe, I immediately step back and reevaluate. In this case: Yeah, they're plumb nuts.

  14. Michael Medved talked about this on the air a bit and said that the daily papers both had birth announcements on the DAY he was born. I just think it's a non issue and wish people would stop ... it makes them look dumb.

  15. I'll offer a different opinion. I think we need to encourage them...both sides.

    The more they fight, argue and work on this, the less time they are spending finding ways of stealing more of our money.

    A futile gesture to delay how much they are taking, but we need every bit of help we can get.

  16. I'm hardly a "birther," but there five serious problems With Barak Obamas birth certificate.

    The first is the "short form." In pre 1972 (73?) Hawaii, anyone with a child apparently under a year old could get a short form essentially on request. That allowed sailors "by blows" to become legitimized quite easily, even after some time had passed.

    Two, the maternal grandmother's statement that she was present when Barak was born. She has never been outside Kenya.

    Three, the absolute acceptance by the African media that Obama was born in Kenya. Either the African media is remarkably credible, or the American media is.

    Four, the amount of money that has been spent to sweep the issue under the rug. Legitimate long forms are less than $100, or a grand or so with an expert appraisal. Some claim Obama's campaign has spent between ten and fifty million to sweep the issue under the rug.

    Five, Gibbs body language while he talks about it. Whether it's long habit or just this issue, I have seen liars lying before.

    Bottom line - the issue needs clarification. It's Obama's place to do what is necessary to do that. The sooner the issue is laid to rest, the better.


  17. The bottom line is no matter where the birth certificate is from, He is still an american as long as he is his mother's son.

    Now my theory is that they have spent a good bit of time trying to make this go away because the offical story and the truth don't match. But, again in the end all it would mean is we have been lied to by politicans. SHOCKER!!

  18. The maternal grandmother would have been his mother's mother, who has definitely left Kenya (if she was ever there in the first place) since she died in Hawaii.
    The African media, now there's an institution you can believe in! Even more so than the American media.
    I can't believe how many people didn't understand that Robb Allen's piece was a joke.

  19. When something looks too good to be true, it's probably photoshopped. - Rather's Law.

    The saddest part of this birther mess is all the officers and enlisted men that signed on to Orly Tavitz's (sp?) lawsuit. It's career suicide. They've got decent chances of being shipped to Greenland.


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