Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eat The Rich.

Well, its refreshing that they feel bold enough to discuss class warfare blatantly and matter-of-factly in mainstream sources now. They're not even using euphemisms like "upper income brackets" or "business owners" or "executives".

Remember, "The Rich" is anybody that makes $1 per year more than you. They should have to pick up your tab.

We're going to seize the kulaks' farms to pay for the medical bills of the proletariat.


  1. Dumbasses.

    The rich will just leave.

    I can see the entire population of Mercer Island WA simply moving to Victoria BC.

  2. "If nothing else, it makes for some bad math."

    *Blink Blink*

    WOW... just... WOW.

  3. I guess he'd say the same thing about a plan to pay for health care by robbing convenience stores.

    "Bad math" indeed.

  4. tam's version: "We're going to seize the kulaks' farms to pay for the medical bills of the proletariat."

    bobo's actual words: "...the re-allocating of funds that are already being paid into the system..."

    one and the same, but his version seems way more chilling.


    wv: in the former capitalist capital of the world.

  5. Pretty soon it will be, "The people wearing glasses..."

  6. Wesley Mouch and Cubby Meigs had it coming.

    So do lots of other folks, starting 2 Nov 2010.


  7. Gah.

    CuFFy Meigs. Sorry, long day.


    wv=slyrepl. They're all sly reptiles in D.C.

  8. The reporter is technically a she rather than a he.

    That article is almost like having a conversation with Radley Balko over... anything, really.

  9. They are literally going to kill the golden goose for a short term gain THAT WON'T WORK!

    My. Head. Is. Going. To. Explode...

  10. Here I thought you might be talking about P.J. O’Rourke’s book by that title. But I see you are actually talking about the latest reenactment of the Legend of Robin Hood. (A myth that really needs to be busted!)

  11. Between Cap-n-Trade getting rammed through, healthcare gearing up to be rammed through and the general turning upside down of everything I thought was a constant, I've been alternating between seething rage and barely contained nausea. I honestly don't know if I'll see a big difference in my lifestyle for a decade or two, but it's the hideous strength behind all this that really gets to me.

    I guess the advantage of being a Christian is that we can read ahead and find out who wins. :-)

  12. Actually, I was pleasantly amazed to see someone quoted in the MSM who expressed some measure of doubt about Funding Utopia by Confiscating the Rich. I would have expected the entire article to express unbounded enthusiasm for such a policy.

  13. I like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich (the nobility and the church) and giving it to the poor. I don't think much of the elite taking the production of the working to enrich Robin Hood, pretending that it will take care of the poor.

    I do know that taxes don't promote production, nor do they promise entry into Eden or Heaven, but they do make stupidity less painful.

  14. I don't want too much out of life really.... just Ronald Reagan back as president and a nice simple flat tax... ::sigh::

    Barring that, I guess a good old fashioned uprising might be in order... :P

  15. I thought the "Rich" is anyone not on public assistance. Time to liquidate, I guess...

  16. We should tax the poor! We've got lots of them.

  17. I wonder whether the typical Roman citizen under, say Diocletian, was aware that things had gotten to the point of no return. In my mind's eye I see a parade of empires rising, flourishing, and passing away, but I never really considered the masses of people who must have seen their country falling into ruin, aware of the impending disaster, but being powerless to stop it.

    Now I feel as if I am one of them.

    People forget that the normal state of affairs is for people to live in both poverty and tyranny. It's only the rare exception for both to be absent. Oh well, we had a good couple of hundred years, but I cry for my kids, and especially their grandkids.

  18. Maybe we could institute a "Punch an Obama Voter" day. Up-and-comers, age-wise, get first crack. Sell tickets and you'd make a mint.

  19. The joke in court yesterday was that we will finally be taking those vacations we have not been taking.

    Time to go John Edwards and avoid these taxes.

    Shootin' Buddy

  20. "...I've been alternating between seething rage and barely contained nausea."

    You too, eh? Nice to know I'm not the only one who's having those exact same symptoms.

    wv: flegodd

    Yes, I'm beginning to feel he has.

  21. Steve, Florence King once made the point that what we see as historically inevitable movements with neatly defined names and characteristics are not usually perceived the same way by those living in them.

    Her example was that Roman citizens in the fifth century didn't wander around muttering "Boy, this decline and fall is really something, huh?"

    I expect typical Romans at the time were delighted they no longer had to serrve in the army since all those eager young German lads were stepping up to the plate and it gave plenty of time to... "Excuse me, Romulus, but there's a General Odoacer at the gate and he says it's really important!"

  22. I guess it was a good time to give up 70% of my paycheck. If I'm going to have to give up most of it anyway, might as well be home, at least.

  23. I just gets batter all the time, never mind the rich, be sure you read this one.

  24. "Kill all rich people and burn their houses and cars" - Charles Manson.

    The more things change... -- Lyle


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