Thursday, July 16, 2009


There is a 1969 50p coin on my desk, and I have no clue why.

I can account for the empty Zippo, the 1/2-28 Phantom flash hider, the AR gas tube & gas block, the AR bolt, the ¡BLACKHAWK! mag holder, the CAR stock wrench, and the tubes of Benadryl and Hydrocortisone, but the 40-year-old British coin has me stumped.


  1. Uhh... Upcoming Time Corp assignment?

  2. Trade ya two quarters for it.
    I've got a cousin born that year, she might like it.

  3. Hell, everyone got one this morning. That's your new health-care plan. Welcome to Obamaworld.

  4. Well, I've got a Swiss 2 franc and an Irish one euro coins in my pocket, but at least I know how they got there...

  5. Just file it under "Hey, Cool!" and forget it.

  6. Well, I mean, I know its source. I either got it when I was in the UK back in '83 on my way to Sweden, or it was in the big handful of pocket change MarkHB gave me back in '02. How it got from the salsa jar full of funny foreign beads and trinkets and bus tokens and onto the desk is the mystery.

  7. The Doctor left it for you as a signal that the TARDIS is about to leave without you. Get packed and you can tell us all about it when you get back yesterday.

    Um ... better cancel that trip.
    WV is Tentic which as we all know is a BAD sign in a number of parallel universes.

  8. 'How it got from the salsa jar full of funny foreign beads and trinkets and bus tokens and onto the desk is the mystery."


  9. "Cats?"

    All your pence are belong to us.

  10. 'How it got from the salsa jar full of funny foreign beads and trinkets and bus tokens and onto the desk is the mystery."


  11. Funny foreign beads and trinkets and bus tokens? How was it ever not in there?

  12. Probably me. We were fairly drunk one night when I decided to expound on the wacky geometries of UK coinage. You've got a 20p someplace, too.

    W/V: Plosh. Well, I was ploshed.

  13. Not quite a rarity, but interesting. The 50p coin was introduced in 1969 ahead of 'Decimalisation Day', 15th February 1971. The coin was made smaller in the '90's, and coming across the old ones nowadays makes you speculate what would happen if you fell into water with a few quids worth in your pockets- they look like they could replace plates in body armour.

    Manchester D


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