Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A national holiday.

Today the people of France are holding parades and fireworks displays in honor of my mom's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

(How To Tell If You're A Geek #371: You remember your mother's birthday because it falls on Bastille Day and not the other way 'round.)


  1. Good morning, Tam!

    They are also lighting up cars by the hundreds.

    Must be their way of stimulating the automotive industry. :-)

  2. If the froggies are burning Peugeots, then not only are they stimulating the automative industry, but the ribbits are saving the world from French cars!

    So, will you be listening to Rush today?


    It just makes good sense. When is the USA going to have its Thermidor? It's been six months of this Reign of Soft Terror, aren't we overdue?

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Happy Birthday, Tam's mom!

    Thanks for giving the world the gift of Tamara. And her snark...

  4. "(How To Tell If You're A Geek #371: You remember your mother's birthday because it falls on Bastille Day and not the other way 'round.)"

    Heh, Funny you should say that, when I first read the title of this post, I remember I should send two of my High School buddies a B-Day Card!

    Heh, I guess somebody else does that!

  5. Happy Birthday wishes to Tam's Mom. We are ever so glad we now have her ... too.


  6. Up the revolution.

    Happy Birthday Tam's Mom!

  7. When I was a kid and we'd go to France, my folks would always lie and say the fireworks were for my birthday.

    Ah, Eastern European humor...

  8. My Mom's birthday too. 39 yet another year!!!

    Happy birthday Moms.

  9. How to tell your a geek #372:

    Remembering a Simpson's episode (where Lisa becomes popular at a sea side resort on the Fourth of July) in which one of the beach goers says "My mom is French, so we celebrate Bastile (said with a hint of disdain) day."

    Happy bday to your mom!

  10. Hey, that's Manny's birthday too!

  11. Thanks you for all the birthday wishes.

  12. The Edmund Fitzgerald sank on my father's 28th birthday, so I always got a radio reminder every year when someone would play Gordon Lightfoot.


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