Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Packaging fail.

Bonnie and Unc note instances of packaging fail.

Personally, I would like to congratulate someone on great packaging success: The person who came up with the packaging for Doo Dads enabled me to while away plenty of bored time in the grocery store when I was younger, simply by turning the boxes on the shelf upside down:

What Uzbekistani kid doesn't love that traditional snack food, Spep Oop?

(Yes, I am rather easily amused.)


  1. My Zorakian friends used to do that when we were in college.

  2. My brain wants to read that as "Dads Poo" for some reason.

  3. They're having a sale on it on the planet Trithaligar through Saturday.

  4. Let's not forget pepsi & sex:



  5. Wouldn't that be "Спеп Ооп"? I mean, if it's sold for Uzbekis...

  6. Rich Hall had a bit on some comedy show a million years ago where he had fun at a "dod and wow" store - spap oop figured prominently. xn7 dishwashing soap, too. Hadn't thought of it in ages - thanks for the memory-tap!

  7. Now, with 30% more Spep!

  8. My first response was "ooh ee, ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang."

    But on sober (more or less) reflection it would be more appropriate to answer with "Eep opp ork ah ah!"

    Which is, of course, Uzbek for "Yes please, more Spep oop!"

  9. Have you noticed the Homer Simpson spin on recent iHOP TV commercials? From "iHOP" to "doH!"


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