Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote of the Day, Part Two:

Billy Beck on National Health Care:
The foolishness of AARP in all this is just horrifying. This is like watching people dressed in their Sunday best, laughing and having a good time on line for the Zyklon B salad-bar.


  1. In The Winds of War, Herman Wouk made a similar observation (through either Leslie Slote or Natalie Jastrow, if I remember right) about Jews who found themselves stuck in Lisbon and unable to get out of Europe...something about well-dressed fish flopping in the net.

  2. I predict a thriving black market in basic procedures and medications within a few years. "Hey, I know somebody who could look at that ... "

  3. Joanna: wanna know the really cute aspect of that?

    That's how people used to find abortions before the Left stood up for Justice.

    {hah} It's all a goof, innit?


    (verification: "prehempo". Someone's putting me on, right?)

  4. Joanna - The left will simply deny the black market exists, or that it was caused by government interference in the free market.

  5. All AARP mailings go straight into the grinder in this household.

  6. Our daughter works in a small multi-doc clinic. Funny, but if folks can't pay, the docs still see them.

    That would stop under Obamacare.

  7. and right on cue Peter Singer comes out with this gem:

  8. Yesterday I was speaking with someone (who will go unnamed) about this, and they indicated a desire to build a stockpile of basic medical supplies (blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, things like that) as well as procedural knowledge (setting bones, etc.) for precisely the reason I described above. I have to wonder how many others are laying the same plans.


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