Sunday, July 26, 2009

Un. Believe. Able.

Take note of the speaker in this video linked at Breda's place.

Listen to her talk. Question your knowledge of physics as light miraculously escapes from her vicinity. Visualize her in a voting booth. (Cry a little.)

The highlight of the video is the guy in the gray shirt about three rows back. He had this dead, lifeless expression on his face as Bubbles nattered on... I half expected him to eat a bullet on camera by the two minute mark, just to make the pain stop.


  1. "The Organic crops are, like, doing well, and I, um, think we should make a perfect pesticide for the organic crops ..."

    That was about as far as I could get before my brainstem made me shut the stupid off.

  2. Call the next village, we found their idiot.

  3. Wow man, like two things man, like the Big Lebowski is, like the coolest, like movie anywhere man. And like, you know, like all we need to do is, like pay the farmers for their free land, you know, cuz its new land, so like it doesn't cost anything. oh yeah, can I get a spinach tree, cuz it's like TOTALLY my favorite vegetable.

    Hmmm, we let Kalifornicators vote in national elections. I say we take our slave army from the east and squash them into the ocean. Except that we would violate some international treaty for getting all the fish stoned.

  4. Naw!!!!!!!!!!!
    This makes one want to cry a LOT!

  5. Visualize her in a voting booth? Forget that, it is worse.

    This piece of skull-encompassed-vacuum-on-a-neck-stem has the possibility of actually breeding, and visiting the next generation with possibly putting up with that sort of.....
    (I can't think of an empty enough word to describe what she uses or not uses for brainpower.)

  6. The fact that she votes doesn't bother me near as much as the fact she's capable of breeding.

  7. I made it to 1:48 before I had to stop the insanity. Wow. Just wow.

  8. She's incredible but watch the longer, 6 minute, version to see that she's not alone. Those poor council members have to listen to this on a regular basis. I enjoyed the guy who had so many points he wanted to talk about that all he could do was read off each title/heading before his wife would say, "next."

    Now that I've finished emptying my stomach. . .
    I admit, I am an unbelieveable glutton for punishment, just to see how far down into the depths this idiocy would decend. And it went VERY low indeed.

    #1-I hope she's sterile, and can't pass along her stupid gene(s) to a next generation.

    #2- (Comment deleted by me, as being sexist and in VERY poor taste).

    #3-Is she a product of the Kalofornucation school system? 'Nuff said.

    B Woodman

  10. 43 seconds before I stopped. I was reevaluating my opposition to forced sterilization...

  11. No need for sterilization, if she has kids they can't survive to adulthood. Somebody most be taking care of the poor twit.

  12. I got maybe a word or two farther than Kristopher before I hit "stop." I could feel my brain cells screaming as they died. It wasn't pretty.

  13. She must have gone to my alma mater, UC Santa Cruz, and double-majored' in Mushrooms and Linguistics - like Chomsky. They did cut a bit here and there, you can see the jumps, but all that notwithstanding that's how come the bumper sticker says "Keep Santa Cruz Weird." :-)

  14. So when is she gonna replace Barbara Boxer in the Senate?

  15. Maybe she did a little too much LDS at Berkeley.


  16. I made it 60 seconds.

    This woman was obviously exposed to something that stopped her mental development at age 5.

    I mean it... someone snag the audio, pitch it up an octave, and play it behind the photo of a child, and suddenly *nothing's wrong with it*.

  17. My. Brain. Hurts.

    It will have to come out.

  18. There's only one excuse. She was dropped on her head when she was a child.

  19. Gggnnnnnurgggggha.

    Ok, I feel a little better.

    That kind of stupidity is not something she was just born with, that's gotta be taught... or under the influence of drugs, or all three.

    Oh man, I've met smarter people with down's syndrome(and they were probably quite a bit happier too, doesn't take much with them).

    This comment was brought to you by Brawndo - The Thirst Mutilator. It's got what plants crave!

  20. you

  21. She sounds better with the audio OFF. From what I was able to listen to(about 10-15 seconds), I estimate that her IQ is smaller than her bra size.

  22. I think Dr. StrangeGun pegged it. This woman's thought processes about the world are obviously arrested at the "And then the ponies had tea with the princess and everyone lived happily ever" stage.

  23. Help, the stupid, it burns!

    WV: loaff - like a normal loaf, but with a second f for a double dose of FAIL!

  24. LDS, she was doing Mormons?

    No wonder she is so messed up.

  25. You should have heard her validictorian speech!!

  26. "LDS, she was doing Mormons?

    No wonder she is so messed up.

    Never seen ST IV, huh? ;)

  27. Since I was over at YouTube (something I rarely do) and needed SOMETHING to end on besides the prattle of the misguided and perhaps brain-damaged, I jumped over to Ken "Black Man With a Gun" Blanchard's latest little riff - which I'm apparently incapable of pasting - but which was nevertheless a pretty good antidote for the vapid ramblings.

  28. Isn't public education great?

    Actually, I have to wonder of this is real. Why didn’t anyone in the room stand up and shout, "Girl, are you HIGH? Guards? Please escort this girl off the premise!"

    No. Instead she was thanked. Everyone in that room must have been high. Who would sit through that otherwise?

    Oh wait; it was California, right? My bad. Well, she's just a good Democrat then, surrounded by other good Democrats at a good Democrat meeting. Nothing to see here. -- Lyle

  29. I kept hoping it was a joke, but - this is critical - nobody laughed!

    Hell, I was laughing just watching and there's no damn way I could have kept silent had I been there. I'd have been on the floor pissing my pants and gasping for air.

    Nobody - as in not anybody - laughed. That's the weirdest part of that whole video.

    tw: myforni. Well, not mine, I shook the dust of that misbegotten state from my sandals 25 years ago when the Navy sent me overseas.


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