Monday, August 03, 2009

Even I think that's geeky...

Posting may be light this morning because I have discovered the TV Tropes website and fallen into the intarw3bz, but that's not what this post is about.

What this post is about is that somewhere on this planet there is somebody who actually cared enough to take the time to write a great big long dissertation about why the Stormtroopers' shooting wasn't really that bad.

Hey, Earth to Commander Solo: How about beaming off the bridge of the USS Mom's Basement and onto the surface of planet Fresh Air? Go for a walk. Ride your bike. See if your tricorder will let you communicate with the natives. Something like that.


  1. Yup. some one wrote it...
    And we read it.


  2. Hey, just because I feel a morbid compulsion to stare at the wreck doesn't make me a drunk driver. :p

  3. Tropes? Great, there goes the morning's productivity.

  4. Reminds me of the Saturday Night Live episode where Shatner hosted. The skit was a Star Trek convention where he told everyone to get a life.

    "Hey, you with the ears - you ever kissed a girl?"


  5. Dammit, Tam.

    I'm lost in the tropes.....

  6. It's always nice to have somebody take up for you. Even stormtroopers need love.

  7. My sister and I had a whole conversation about motifs, themes and the difference between the two, particularly as illustrated in a recent miniseries production of "The Forsyte Saga." For us, this is light conversation.

    Welcome to the nerd side.

  8. TV Tropes is all well and good, but if you really need to slay the productivity dragon, the place to go is the Vice Magazine Do's and Don'ts section:

  9. Oh, also, some of the content at the above link is NSFW. Some of it is downright scary. Some of it will cause you to lose the last glimmer of hope you ever had for humanity. But the commentary is hilarious.

  10. Some days TvTropes and Wikipedia combine in some sort of arcane synergy and suck hours from my life.
    Can't seem to stay away, they're like intarweb crack....

  11. You know, that trope site presents an interesting possibility. I mean, you could program the back end to just pick a few hackneyed tropes at random, spit them out into a script outline, then add some cgi eyecandy and there's your list for summer movies.


  12. TVTropes is undiluted internet speedcrack. Even stronger than Wikipedia.

    (though the XKCD comic on wikiwander is more interesting than that on TVTropes, the one on TVTropes is painfully true-to-life.

    We'll see your normal posting level come up sometime next week, I think

  13. Um... Tam...

    *Pushes taped glasses back up nose*

    The Stormtroopers were in Star Wars. You insulted him with Star Trek jargon. Right now you are being Pwn'd on his blog with such spiffy comments as:

    "I find his lack of faith disturbing."


    "Scruffy looking nerf herder."

    That is until they figure out you’re female. Then they start to read you regularly and go searching for “The Picture.”

  14. "The Stormtroopers were in Star Wars. You insulted him with Star Trek jargon."

    Damn skippy. I wouldn't want anybody to think I was some Bantha-riding Sandtrooper geek, now, would I?

    Besides, Kirk could totally kick Han Solo's ass. :D

  15. The guy that wrote that wiki was one of these guys...

    Enjoy the 10-15 minutes of your life that you won't get back, but are smiling over their loss.....

  16. Hey, this is an important field of scientific inquiry? How else would we have discovered such foundational principles of the universe as the Stormtrooper Effect, the Redshirt Rule, and (hushed tones) the Inverse Ninja Law?

    "The Inverse Ninja Law states that the effectiveness of a group of ninjas is inversely proportional to the number of ninjas in the group. While a single enemy ninja is often portrayed as a significant threat to the protagonists, a large group of ninjas is significantly less of a threat, and as such is easily defeated. This is sometimes applicable to other close combat–oriented minions as well."

    I mean, c'mon, this stuff is important!!

  17. Great. Another time sink. You know I love you, Tam, but sometimes these little discoveries of yours...



    Turn away before it's too late!

    Also, Clonetroopers > Stormtroopers.

  19. It's not *just* another timesink. Be warned

  20. It took you this long to get hammered over the head with the tropewiki crack?

    Fair warning: over time, it will absolutely ruin you for watching or reading or playing ANYTHING without automatically cataloguing its guts.

  21. The first time I watched Star Wars I nodded solemnly when Obi-Wan explained how the sandcrawler attack could not have been by the Tusken Raiders (hope I spelled that right, or I'm taking a serious hit in my geek cred). Remember? The blast points... "Only Imperial Stormtroopers are this accurate."

    Every subsequent time I saw it (and of course there were many) I snickered unkindly at that line. By then I was convinced that had the Stormtroopers attacked the crawler, it'd have been sitting unscathed atop a mesa blasted out of the desert.

    Which leaves the question - who really killed the Jawas and Owen and Beru? My money's on Bush and Cheney.

  22. Tam, did you go straight for the "Military and Warfare Tropes"?

    I thought so.

  23. In re: tropewiki.

    I have read the Tam.

    I have loved the Tam (as a reader loves an author, please!).

    I have enjoyed the Tam's Cosmoline and Rust.

    Now we hates the Tam.

    The Tam has caused us to waste a day.

    Hates, we do. (Just kidding. F'rlz.)

  24. Oh gawd, yes. That TV Tropes wiki is the second biggest time sink on the net.

  25. If that's your idea of the SECOND-biggest tiemsink on the intertubes, I shudder to think what the first is. (It ain't wikipedia, IMNSHO)

  26. Hehe. Really though, what else are people in college supposed to do Tam? Study?


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