Thursday, August 27, 2009

For those who served...

Why not take a vet to lunch?

As Memorial day passed this year, I began to think of this year’s upcoming Veteran’s day and my plan to continue the “Take a Vet to Lunch” tradition started last year. It was at this point that I thought I should spread the word. My plan is to start with a web site, some simple promotion, and hopefully, by Veterans’ Day 2009, every living US Military Veteran will be taken to lunch.


  1. Damn, where the hell am I gonna come up with a veteran at the Pentagon? Or Andrews, Ft. McNair, Ft. Myer, Defense communications, Ft. Bragg, or Little Creek?

    Hoo boy, I can hear it now. My patriotic duty to pick up the bar tab.

    Does the past 30 years or so count?

  2. Vet to lunch? Small or large animal? Both?

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Shootin' Buddy,

    I had a vet in mind, actually. :D

  4. Really? One of the guys at Purdue?

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. this vet would rather take a beautiful redhead to lunch. I and other vets appreciate the thought but we would rather enjoy the freedoms our services has bought us. We would do it again and again just to have these freedoms. NEVER SURRENDER THESE FREEDOMS!!!!! We will NEVER surrender them as long as one of us are alive. Just help us protect the freedoms all vets like myself and others have pledged our lives to defend. We must never fail! We Will never fail.

  6. It worked out the other way last week. I got caught without my challenge coin. Dammit.

  7. Tam- thanks for thinkin' of this and mentioning it. As a guy who got out 40 years ago, I feel it's an honor for me to buy for those who're now serving or are recently discharged.
    Too bad they're still stuck usin' the M16, but at least it's lighter than the ol' M14. BTW, they used to say that a vet never forgets the serial number of his weapon, and the last M14 I was issued was 1128744.

    Rob J (inbredredneck)

  8. Hate to say it, but I've forgotten the serial # of every weapon I ever carried, except the 1911 I carried around. That one and the XO's were a matched pair, and I remember both.

    As for taking out a vet, taking myself out sounds silly, so I'll continue my tradition of taking out some of the active duty types nearby, wifey included.

  9. I do know Tam's taken at least one veteran to breakfast. (I have reference to me; I was slicing through the area that week, and we contrived to meet one morning. One of the high points of that road trip, if I say so myself.)


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