Friday, August 14, 2009

Gun School: Post #1

It's the morning of the first day, and I'm getting ready. Shootin' Buddy will be by to pick me up in about 45 minutes.

My gear is all staged by the front door: An ammo can full of .45ACP, and my range bag.

The range bag got sorted last night. The guns that live in there, my K-22 and the 9mm Para LTC, have been pulled out, along with a couple of extraneous ammo boxes, and the magazine compartment on the front of the bag has been emptied of the dozen or so Papoose mags and the handful of 9mm 1911 mags that it normally contains and filled with .45ACP mags. Can't have enough mags at gun school; I think I've got ten or so in there.

Let's see... Spare gun? Check. I'll start out with the old Colt. If it goes tango uniform, I can switch to the Springfield and I won't be hosed.
Spare holster? Check. The Versa-Max carries pretty much identically to the Max-Con V, so if my holster blows up, I won't be changing drawstrokes midstream.
Spare mag carrier? Check. Gun oil? Check.
Bug spray? Check. Sunscreen? Check.
First aid kit and pressure dressings? Check.

I'm pretty excited...


  1. (Update, Tams ride showed up in fifteen minutes, not 45, and there was much fuss and bustle making sure everything was loaded aboard! Off they went.

    Meanwhile, I'm taking some comp time.

  2. A) There should have been a camera in that bag too...... drat.

    B) Understood....

  3. Did you ask Louis the Question? ;)

  4. First aid kit and pressure dressings? Check.

    Please don't come home with holes in you! I like my friends unperforated, thank you.

  5. Well have a great time learn a lot!! I had to pass this year, perhaps next...

  6. Water? You have to hydrate.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  7. Frank beat me to it. Have fun, mind the teacher, make new friends, don't miss the bus home.


  8. Can't wait to hear how it turns out Tam.

    John S.

  9. We expect a full, detailed reports---10 pages, single-spaced, 1" margins should do.

  10. Grrr ... not jealous AT ALL.

    BTW Jeff Gonzales from Trident Concepts is going to be in Lebanon, Indiana mid-October for a Carbine course.

  11. I like my friends unperforated, thank you.

    At least the floor in this coffee house is linoleum. Easy for the barista to clean up the coffee spray that I just shot out.


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