Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Invest it wisely...

Much like a member of Menudo whose voice is about to change, car dealers who've been drinking from the Congressional red ink fire hose are encouraged to invest their windfall wisely, as a dry spell is sure to follow.


  1. The snark flows like fine wine.

    menudo. heh. They came to market already past their expiry, thank god.

  2. Considering that the red ink fire hose has been more like a seepage--only 7% of applications had been paid out lat I heard, far more are kicked back, disapproved, because someone forgot to cross a "t" or dot an "i"--there won't be much to invest except bitterness, unless you count the hope that the ChiComs will retain them in their positions when they come to claim their property...

  3. Wait'll some of them run into this...


  4. I spent a few hours in car dealerships during the last two days, trying to buy a car that isn't eligible.

    Without exception, the delers were uniformly crying that they didn't have their money yet, and they were out of cars to sell.

    I said to them, "First, it's MY money.

    Second, I just paid to sell out your inventory that was all sitting here unsold two months ago. Do you want it back? Do you think the government will stiff you?

    Third, you'd better use a long spoon to sup with the devil."

  5. Hahaha! A Clunker Tax that takes away all the vapor-green that was promised! Hahahaha! How Chicago of them.


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