Monday, August 31, 2009

Quote of the Day: Keystone Kongress Edition.

"Thing is, I wouldn't put it past the guys who gave us the Consumer Safety Product Improvement Act to write something that accidentally regulated every mother making sandwiches for her kids under the same system as the folks who run Mickey D's and KFC." -Karrde

Seen in comments here.

We the uncaring, governed by the incompetent, asked to pay the unimaginable and adhere to the indecipherable...


  1. Apathetic and "Uncaring" are both a bit passe. The way I read the polls virtually 3 out of 4 of us have suddenly decided we care.

    Of course, a fifth of those are on the wrong side - but at least 57% of us would send the lot of the barbae tenus sapientes who pollute the halls of Congess home and elect a new lot.


  2. IT's only as low as 57% because the option of hanging them outright wasn't available.

  3. Still, that's a nice turn of phrase. I'll suggest:

    We, the angry, governed by the incompetent, asked to pay the unimaginable and adhere to the indecipherable, are paying attention.

  4. I had an inkling that I'd learned a thing or two about diction by reading your blog...

    More to the point, Keystone Kongress has been sliding in this direction for some time. Hopefully, the public at large will pick up on this trend before we get too many more such laws.

  5. "We the uncaring, governed by the incompetent, asked to pay the unimaginable and adhere to the indecipherable"

    Classic stuff!

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. Good quote, but he missed the part about how after passing the law, Mickey D's and KFC would actually even be subject to it.

    WV: "subruba" - Ohio class condom.


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