Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Spin & Sabotage.

YouTube video catches MSNBC lying through their teeth:

Listen, you broadcast dinosaurs: You don't control the horizontal or the vertical anymore, got it? We can adjust our sets any time we want to. We have our own cameras these days. The whole world is watching now.



    That is all, thank you.

  2. That hero in AZ with the AR had an unmistakable "Malcolm X" edginess to his appearance----I love it.

    Well done!

  3. As clear a case of bias as I have ever seen. They had a duty to their viewers to show that the man in Phoenix was African-American, and they shirked that duty, apparently so that they could discuss "white people with guns" and "white supremacists" and "hate groups". They showed his gun, but not his face. They either knew, or had a responsibility to find out, that this guy was not white, before launching into their discussion. Perhaps the people in front of the camera really did not know, but continued their stereotyped, hackneyed debate along familiar lines. I'll allow that as a possibility. But the producers certainly DID know that the AR-guy was black, and they did nothing to stop the inflammatory and uninformed debate going on in front of the cameras.

  4. Clean cut and clean-shaven? Check.

    Pressed and dressed and wearing a tie? Check.

    Skin of a rich, dark hue? Check.

    The guy was a PR genius. He laid out the sucker bait for the meejia and they eagerly snapped it up.

  5. MSNBC--an acronym for Mostly Senile, Never Been Coherent.

    Old Squid.

  6. ...Classic spin.

    Hilarious, and terrifying all at the same time. Hilarious because I knew the man was black, and noticed the complete obviousness of where the conversation was going to go, and terrifying because people will believe whatever is told to them by 'experts'.

  7. the revolution is upon us! Patrick Henry would roll over in his grave!!! God help us!! And he is black!!!!

  8. Wow... and they had the chutzpah to actually use the video where you see the gentleman, and cut out his hands and face from the film to make their point.

    That sails clear past bias right into lying propaganda.

    So here's the question, have they always been this bad and we're just now able to catch them on it thanks to YouTube and such - or are they getting worse as frantically claw for a way to get back monopolistic narrative control?

  9. If enough people make clear to Jeff Immelt and his board of directors that behavior like this cannot be concealed, and will have financial consequences going forward....

  10. So here's the question, have they always been this bad and we're just now able to catch them on it thanks to YouTube and such


  11. "...have they always been this bad and we're just now able to catch them on it...?"


    And they in the Old Media wonder why they're losing viewership. The best they can come up with for an answer is that WE are stupid. Courage. -- Lyle

  12. It is all you people in the "new media" the ones that are always insisting on the 5 W's be actually used. How dare you ruin our good name---oh, wait you mean people actually want to know Who, What, When, Where, Why? OH SHIT.

    WV barrin: Barrin any futher discussin' of this story MSNBC will skate the truth one more time. Perhaps we should call the FCC and complain that this was obscene and they should be fine three times as much as CBS for showing that many boobs at once.

  13. *rotfl* @Nat :)

    That was awesome.

    WV: "blesse" Blesse ye, indeed.

  14. Considering this "rise in hate-group activity", looks like it's high time I got my CCW and a Ruger LCR for my pocket. I wouldn't want to be a victim, after all.
    Trouble is, I have'nt seen any freaking sign of "hate-group activity", unless you count the blatantly racist and socialist policies of groups like the Southern Law and Poverty Center.
    Oh well. I'm still getting the permit and Ruger.

  15. But Tamara, the whole world *isn't* watching. Most of 'em are sitting on the couch staring blankly at the latest "reality" show (satirically snarktastic idea for a reality show deleted here, because no matter how outlandishly far-fetched the satire, it's probably sitting on some Hollywood pitch writer's desk already). Or they're taking Facebook quizzes to find out just how vapid they and their friends really are. Or they are just too busy googling for midget porn to pay any attention to this stuff.

  16. Hey, you, get off of my cloud.

    I'm trying to have a We Shall Overcome moment here, 'kay?

    I'll be cynical again tomorrow.

  17. Instalanche!
    Rod Serling would be proud.
    Ohh, wait.
    Damn it! I've confused my TV sci-fi tag lines.
    But Rod Serling would still be proud.

  18. They have always been this bad.

    And how can we know that, you ask?

    We know that because they're blatant about it. They're shameless. They expect to get away with it. That sort of expectation is created by a long history of having gotten away with it.

    Remember how self-righteous Dan Rather was when he was caught making blatantly faked "memos" the centerpiece of a story aimed at swinging a presidential election? How little fear he showed at having been found out? How angry - genuinely angry - he was at being challenged? That's a sense of major entitlement, there. That's the sort of sense that comes from the long, long habit of having been able to get away with this sort of thing for a whole career. The anger stems from surprise at that having changed.

    Same thing here. If these people are confronted about this particular lie, their reaction will be anger. Count on it.

  19. OH SNAP! Nice job!

  20. I think there must be a very interesting story behind this sharply dressed, cool and collected, well-armed African American gentleman. A story of interest to people of all political persuasions and racial backgrounds. A story that would draw viewers and dollars to MSNBC, if they cared about that as much as they cared about advancing the far left agenda. I wonder what their stockholders think of this.

  21. Actually, the whole world is filming, as well as watching.

  22. We have always been lied to , on the news, Tv.,radio, and in print. We see and hear what ever the news reporter wants us to hear and see... And I hope people with their own cameras will now stand up and show and tell what is right, from now on... WE should stop watching msnbc, and every station who we find out is not telling the news truthfully.

  23. If they had a shred of decency, they'd be shamed. But they don't and they aren't.

    More and more, fewer and fewer people are watching or believing them.

  24. DRat II should have the fate of his faltering career tied to this hoax just as DRat I was driven into retirement by the "fake but accurate" memo from the Texas ANG.

  25. Jenny, yes, they've always been this bad. Heck, the Spanish-American War might have happened anyway but it sure got kick-started when Hearst ignored the possibility of accident in the msterious explosion aboard the Maine. Or the NBC report about exploding pickup trucks, using footage of same being blown up with emplaced explosives as "real" rather than simulated. Or the Pulitzer Prize winning Durant (?) who even at the time admitted he was lying about conditions/attitudes/etc in Stalin's USSR in his "reporting" for the New York Times.

    But... there used to be opposing media, of all stripes, in most markets. The best we have now is opinion, like Limbaugh, not contrarian reporting - excepting blogs, which can find obscurely-available fact and try to spread it around.

  26. So I posted on Twitter about the incredible lie that MSNBC performed, tying law-abiding gun owners who decided to carry a gun in public (legally) to racism. I got a reply from a libiot, and I quote “Open your eyes dufus! The black guy was on a loop on Maddow last night.” Classic lefty misdirection and error.
    First, he insults the messenger, because he has nothing of substance to say. Second, the show being discussed was not Maddow, but Morning Meeting with Contessa Brewer and Dylan Ratigan. It’s amazing how many mistakes one can make in 140 characters, or less!
    Oh, and he spelled “doofus” incorrectly.

  27. It was a black man with a gun, but was it the "Black Man with a Gun?"

    I'd laugh if Ken confesses to it!

  28. Yeah, it wasn't necessarily the same gun-guy.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention though.


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