Monday, August 10, 2009

A star is born...

...or at least someone who's got the bug bad enough to try for stardom.

Breda blogs her beau Mike's Garand experience at Camp Perry. He had an awesome coach!

The reportage was excellent; I felt as though I had been rained on and found myself craving coffee and Krispy Kremes just reading it.

NRA High Power is personally not my gig. However, like any other shooting sport, the participants are as friendly and generous as you could possibly hope. Just show up for a match in your street clothes with no gear, and folks will come up to you and ask "Do you need a spotting scope? A mat? A gun? Want some pointers?" For this to happen at Camp fricken' Perry is like showing up in the stands at Wimbledon and having Serena Williams or Andre Agassi walk up and ask "Do you want to play? Do you need a racket? I can let you borrow one..."


  1. "For this to happen at Camp fricken' Perry is like showing up in the stands at Wimbledon and having Serena Williams or Andre Agassi walk up and ask "Do you want to play? Do you need a racket? I can let you borrow one..."

    ...and then they'll offer to, ya know, play a set or two. (Finished it for ya) :)

  2. I went trap shooting for the first time last Friday night, expecting to simply sit back and watch and learn by looking.

    I had people stumbling over themselves to offer me their equipment, ammo, taking the shooting vest off their back, etc.

    The shooting fraternity, in all it's forms, is certainly one that we're all proud to belong to.

  3. Blackfork is a hell of a nice guy. Saw him and the lovely redhead at Phlegmmy's awhile back, and I probably had met him way back when, when I used to shoot the matches.

    They're just good folks.


  4. Just show up for a match in your street clothes with no gear, and folks will come up to you and ask "Do you need a spotting scope? A mat? A gun? Want some pointers?"

    I hope IDPA at Augusta CC is like that, because I want to play very badly. Kids back to school soon...

  5. Hello!!! Wecome to the shooting sports world!I have NEVER met anyone who wouldn't bend over backwards to get someone started in the disipline that they have shown intrest in. We are real peaple who encurage participation and love to see you get involved. Don't you wish the rest of thew orld was so nice?

  6. The rest of thew orld pretty much is.

    My experience with most niche activities is that it works like this. Most people in most disciplines are happy to show them to newcomers who are genuinely interested. And Perry, or Augusta, or the top of any other tree is the place it's most likely.

    The people at the top are generally pretty secure and welcoming.

  7. Cowboy shooting is much the same way, there is always somebody willing to explain it and let you try their guns.

  8. The nationals at Perry is an amazing event. Nothing quite like watching the ground fog be cut apart by several hundred bullet tracks first thing in the morning, or watching a rapid fire target (never mine, sadly) come up with the group so perfectly centered on the 10/X that just a scoring disk is used to mark it.

  9. "The rest of thew orld pretty much is."

    You're so bad. ;)

  10. "A star is born...
    ...or at least someone who's got the bug bad enough to try for stardom."

    Or to try for a star-barrel.


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