Monday, August 10, 2009

State Fair time.

Saturday and Sunday evening, a weird sound was heard in the neighborhood.

Having been to a drag strip a time or two, I knew exactly what it was: A big racing V-8 being run briefly up to high revs.


We're definitely not within earshot of any racetracks. Could somebody have been tinkering with a project car? No, that much noise over two consecutive nights of wrenching would have brought the heat for sure. I can't think of anyplace around here that would suit that volume of street racing, and besides, half the kids on the street these days race rice on the bottle, which doesn't sound like that...

Watching the news this morning, I figured out what it was...

The fairgrounds are only a couple miles away by bike. I should try and get down there this year.


  1. You should before it's gone because of too big of a carbon footprint.

  2. Eat before you go and don't be shocked at the prices. The grapevine says Indiana has joined Ohio in demanding 70% off the top of every corn dog and waffle cone you buy. Turning a two buck pup and fizzvasser into a twelve buck dining experience.

    And ditto the rent on every ring you toss, and seat space on every ride you take. Since the carneys still have to eat, it makes a few hours on the midway a real wallet flattener.


  3. Hmm. Googling "rice on the bottle" I come up with nothing. Is that a Japanese car on nitrous, then, or is it competing with our former Sec State while inebriated? -- Lyle

  4. State Fair Eats: you go to the Horticulture Building, where Red Gold will be givin' away (or sellin' cheap) some of their deee-lightful tomato and veggie blend juices, the apiarists will have honey in sealed straws, and there's usually other wondrous produce free or cheap. Cheese sammiches from the Dairy Farmers used to be a good buy, and tasty too. Lines for pork and beef producer's tents are often tooooo long but for the latter two, 12 bux is worth it.

    Generally, food choices are better and prices a bit less unreasonable on the far side of the Fair, where old tractors and new ones hang out. Used to be a decent greasy spoon over there, even, where in my youth we ate brekky; it's not what it once was but it's still better'n carny food.

    ...I do try for funnel cake or an elephant ear. I can make funnel cake at home (all it takes is a small funnel, a half-inch of hot oil and the right batter, plus some confectioner's sugar) but somehow they're better at the Fair.

    Da-yum. Now you've got me wantin' to go to the Fair, too.

  5. Take your ear protection if you go to the tractor pulls.

  6. Mmm, tractor pulls! The first time I heard about these events- in Ohio, I thought they had to be silly. Then I went to see one... The concept is ridiculous but it's no joke and the power and skills on display are worth my spectating time. When I used to take my kids to the indoor events, we would plop our butts down in the very front row, directly behind the tractors when they cranked up for the evening's show. Good stuff!


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