Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Roomie just ginned up some pseudo-psalsa using grape tomatoes and serrano peppers from the garden and some black olives from Fresh Market.

It was tasty, and all the more so for mostly coming from the bounty of our lawn & garden...


  1. they don't grow black olives?

  2. Indiana's not known for being olive country...

  3. Everything tastes better when you either grow it yourself, or cook it over an open flame. Coffee brewed over a wood camp fire = 20% nomier than home coffee.

  4. ...And it wasn't until we'd et it all that Tam reminded me we have chives and scallions in the garden, too. Okay, next time...!

    Those little grape tomatoes are the very ritz, btw.

  5. Try raspberries, straight from the bush, and put them on top of your own, scratch-made waffles.

  6. "Indiana's not known for being olive country"

    Except that it does grow olives, including that worthless red/autumn olive (ick).

    Glad your garden is paying off.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. There really is something tremendously satisfying about eating something grown right in the backyard.

  8. Your roomie sure is talented. If she's not running around dripping wet, wrapped only in a towel whilst prognosticating the political, she's making psalsa.

  9. Between the guns, ammo and Victory garden you are well on your way to ensuring your own survival.

    Don't forget, lots of tinfoil!!!


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