Friday, September 25, 2009


Tonight on FOX: When mall workers attack.


  1. Overpriced mud products from the Dead Sea.

    Sally hates those people. And she is not nice to them at all.

  2. I love those Dead Sea kiosks, but only because the ones in my area are staffed with super-hawt Israelis. I never buy anything; I just stare as I walk by. Yummy.

  3. Oh, I won't say they're not staffed by super-hawt Israelis everywhere I've run across one...I'm just saying that they are typical Israelis, i.e., all up in your face when you don't want them to be.

  4. Ahhh what a great time to be a flannel-wearing bearded man wearing dirty jeans and has a completion that was crated by years on the deck of a ship!

    hell my WIFE gets the Breda Deathstare (tm) if SHE tries to put lotion on me, let alone some strange hippie...


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