Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hippo Birdie Two Ewe!

Happy b-day to Joanna, who is so tough she made cancer cry:
Today is my birthday, which is fun, although I'm now officially closer to 30 than 20. Most women my age get a little freaked out by that, but I'm actually glad about it. You see, Saturday is also my birthday: It's the two-year anniversary of when I kicked cancer in the knee and told it to shut up and go make me a sandwich, I'm too busy for that bullcrap.


  1. As my sister put it: Cancer is my bitch.

    Two Tamalanches in as many weeks! I must rate! :-P

  2. Ehhhhh, cancer's an attitude thing. My surgeon was admiring his handiwork on the 12" "zipper" as he removed the staples. I couldn't help but comment, "Dang, Doc, I've made cleaner cuts than that, just guttin' a deer!"

    I don't think he was all that pleased...

    Oh, well. Folks slide down the banister of life, and some remember me as a razor blade in their career...


  3. I lucked out. No chemo, no radiation, just a series of small scars. Of course, they're splayed across my stomach in all their scarry glory. I've debated getting tiny numbers tattooed to make it a connect-the-dots game. "No, see! It's a dinosaur!"

  4. Ah ... Joanna ... nothing will ever keep you down. Congrats on both anniversaries.



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