Friday, September 04, 2009

Triumph of the Swill.

Ten days.

Even a Dead Kennedy can only keep Michael Jackson's corpse off the front page for ten brief days.



  1. Every time I read "Jacko buried" I wanted to finish the sentence "at a crossroads at midnight, with a stake through his heart."

  2. "'Cause it's a holiday in cambodia, where people dress in black! A holiday in cambodia, where you'll kiss ass or crack!"

  3. perlhaqr wins the cardboard cookie with the chocolate chips colored in. ;)

  4. Only ten days. Not bad.
    But when you consider all the controversy surrounding his death:
    -Murder? Or accidental overdose?
    -Who gets what? And what's left after being millions in debt.
    -Who gets the children?
    -The cancelled 50 concert tour.
    -Where will he be buried?

    But I'd rather have the Dead Kennedy. Now he's no longer a continuing influence on politics that matter to me.

    B Woodman

  5. Alternate photo caption, read aloud in Walter Cronkite's voice: "Inside this casket lies the integrity of the U.S. News Media".

    I have stopped watching U.S. based news altogether as a result of their Jackson obsession. One more viewer, gone forever.

    IMHO, anything you need to know to get about your day you can get from the weather channel, and of course VFTP.

  6. Dead Kennedy? Klaus and Jello showed up??

  7. The g/f mentioned that he hadn't been planted yet, my only response was "'ell between the chemicals and plastic surgery he'll last for months.".

  8. I wonder whether Jacko will find his way into a sequel of MHI...

    ...which I finished last night around 0230. Yee-Haw!

    wv: enlit, damn, that's an actual word!


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