Tuesday, September 22, 2009


As our nation enters Day Thirteen of the Representative Joe Wilson Crisis, CNN is staying on top of things, with up-to-the-minute reporting on every facet. There's even a column warning about paying too much media attention to coarseness in public debate and too little attention to substantive issues.

Their Irony Editor must be on vacation...


  1. Now if only we could get them to devote 1/10th as much time to looking into the truthfulness of 0bama's statements...

    And while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony...

  2. Note this: "The attack was not an aberration. Since the founding of the republic, congressional altercations were common. In 1798, for instance, Connecticut Federalist Roger Griswold had spoken badly about Republican Matthew Lyon's war record."
    There was no Rebublican party in 1798.

    In only one instance is a Democrat portrayed negatively, and he's a Dixiecrat too big to gloss over. Throughout the piece, Rs are generally shown in a negative light and Ds positive; when the opposite is the case, party affiliations are omitted.

    Funny, that.

  3. Utter silence on the past eight years, too...

  4. They seem to conveniently forget the Democrats booing GWB's State of the Union address, don't they?

  5. MSM dinosaurs, pure and simple.

    They still can't die soon enough to suit me.

  6. So was Teleprompter Accessory lying? One would think that one member of the Central Government accusing another of lying would not be as newsworthy as an accusation of telling the whole truth. Now that would be scandalous.

  7. Also: I've decided that I don't want the Yellow-Stream Media to die. The supply of useful information provided (at no cost) by bloggers is far too important to jeopardize by making it dependent on advertising revenue. Once advertisers have a say, then the information becomes stale or heavily edited to avoid offending anyone that might complain loudly enough to effect sales of advertised products.

  8. Compare this to the coverage of Norman Borlaug's passing and the plethora (not) of recent documentaries on his life and his work (who?).

    Yeah, we can see where the priorities are.

  9. Fine with me. The more they obsess on Joe Wilson, the more people have the chance to figure out that... well, whaddaya know, he was right. The Won was lying!

    And if he was lying about that, has he lied to us about other things? Hmmm, this ACORN deal he never heard of... seems to me somebody mentioned them way back...

    So keep it up, media morons. It obviously never occurred to any of you that when you're caught red handed, the best tactic is to dismiss the whole thing and move to another topic? Oh, right, see: Rather, Dan. Good, because nobody has ever conclusively demonstrated that doubling down on stupid is a self defeating tactic.


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