Friday, September 11, 2009

The War on a Noun.

They hate us because of our freedoms, or so we were told, and so we've been trying to make Them hate us less ever since.

One step was the Internal, "REAL ID" act of 2005, which mostly succeeded in making married women who had taken their husbands' last names tear their hair out at the DMV, at least in states that fully implemented the procedures.

That last detail contains the rub: Half the states have given the feds the finger on REAL ID.

Stung, the .gov is trying again, this time with... REAL-ish ID!


  1. And in Real ID we see the outline of how to defeat gun control=non compliance.

    See, Crete.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. "And in Real ID we see the outline of how to defeat gun control=non compliance."

    Phhht. Sounds like wookie-suiter "You're not the boss of me!" stuff to me. ;)

  3. "Phhht. Sounds like wookie-suiter "You're not the boss of me!" stuff to me. ;)"



  4. As so ladies and gentlemen of the jury, "If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!"

    The defense rests, your honor.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. If what we love us what They hate, I'm all for makin'em hate us more. -- Lyle

  6. (sarcasm mode)

    Why don't we skip the small stuff and just go to an implanted chip? Heck, my neighbor's dog has one.

  7. So when do we get Indiana to give up on this stupid idea of participating? Trying to get a driver's license as a legal and law-abiding immigrant took three visits, paying twice for a license the BMV messed up and six months waiting for them to mail her license last year for my wife because of that crap.

  8. Typical. The .gov is still getting ready to fight the LAST war. Does anyone REALLY think that a planeload of passengers will meekly submit to being hijacked ever again, knowing that it's a death sentence?

  9. Re: Anonymous 6:45

    What, like the saudis invented and tried to patent with a little poison capsule, so they could remotely terminate dissidents? I'm sure they'd share it with their US allies.


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