Monday, September 14, 2009

Well, well, well...

You gotta wonder how that link surf started out...


  1. Huh.

    I wonder who exactly from the Senate is cruising my joint?

  2. Got one o'those a few years ago, when I called on McCain to retire.

  3. All those folks on the Mall with signs and posters musta made some 'wanna rule everything' folks nervous.

    "Yes, Mr President, it seems to be some sort of so-called citizen's rights movement, by those far right wingers who actually believe that they own themselves. I'll have my people just look into it. We can control it, tho, once we have the Cyber-po-leeece in place."

    John, the Red
    West End of Lake Erie

  4. Damn. I feel left out. The best I can claim is surveillance by an EPA dude.

  5. Probably looking into the best caliber for right-wing extremists.

  6. I like that the ellipsis in the "Visit Entry Page" and "Visit Exit Page" fields employs three periods to replace... an m. Way to abbreviate, guys.

  7. sShake your gun the tyrant's afce...every chance you get.

  8. The truly shocking thing is that if the search term would've been something like, "sex in bathrooms", we would be even less impressed...

  9. The House and Senate Sergeants-at-Arms oversee the Capitol Police Force. Congratulations! I think you just made Sen. Reid's enemies list.

  10. "The House and Senate Sergeants-at-Arms oversee the Capitol Police Force"

    Tam's better-armed...

  11. "I think you just made Sen. Reid's enemies list."

    What? Just now?

  12. I had a visit from them a couple of weeks ago myself. That was followed in a few days by a visit from someone in the DOJ according to sitemeter.

    Interesting, eh?

    WV: sespill. Yes, Washington is a real sespill.

  13. Oh man, I now have an inkling as to how that blagwander started.

  14. Everybody always seems to assume "they're surveilling me!" Couldn't it be that they're just blogfans sneaking in a bit of computer time at work?

    The security guy at the Silver Legacy casino found out too late (Sunday nite as we were closing up the room) that the Gunbloggers Rendezvous had been held in his joint -- he told us he'd have loved to attend.

  15. The House and Senate Sergeants-at-Arms oversee the Capitol Police Force.

    They are also the Capitol's ISP, so I wouldn't make too much of it. Almost any session from Capitol Hill will start out that way.


  16. No ... the Sena'tards have their own IPs.

    Maybe the calls to administer a caning to Obama on the floor of the Senate got attention?

  17. "Everybody always seems to assume "they're surveilling me!""

    I don't assume that.

    It's just not an address I regularly see, that's all.

    My favorite creepy sitemeter hits were from's Office of Asset Forfeiture. Turned out it was an old 'net bud doing some contract programming...

    We walk among them. ;)

  18. Not being knowledgable about bloggish workings, what does a visit length of 0 seconds really mean? Is that literal, that they hit backspace in less than 1000 milliseconds, or is there another more technical meaning?

  19. It means that they left by closing the window or using the "back" button, rather than clicking out via another link on my page. They could have had the window open all day, but unless they click on another link on the page, there's nothing for Sitemeter to time.

  20. Ritchie, SiteMeter records page hits, but not how long one is at a page; the times are based on times between page visits. It just means that he only visited the homepage.

  21. I wouldn't make much of it. Probably a blogreader rather than surveillance. If they were checking you out for surveillance or investigation you'd never know it.

  22. Bruce,

    I didn't suppose that it was. Besides, "they" wouldn't be surveilling me from there. Everybody knows the lizard people use an IP address in Gstaad.

  23. Heh. Ever gotten one from the BATF? I was a little surprised the day I checked sitemeter to see the Oklahoma City FAA wandered through my page.

    Fortunately, whilst I may have noted unpopular opinions (are opinions of the populace, but unfavorable to our bureaucratic rulers, still "un-popular"?), I've never posted my name or tailnumber, so I don't have to be unreasonably paranoid...

  24. I had a blog. And I shut it down. I am a die hard pro 2A supporter and I express my opinions about gun grabbing folks. 3 weeks alter the anointed one was sworn in, sitemeter showed 3 visits from the house if reps an 4 from the DOJ/FBI out of DC.
    I'm not paranoid. I just didn't want to deal with any BS.

  25. Seems to me the simplest assumption is that s/he/it got here after googling "gun nuts".

  26. Hi,
    I ran into the Srgt at Arms at my site, too. To add to your dialogue:



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