Friday, October 02, 2009

I'm just on pins and needles...

...waiting to find out which city offered the most hookers and blow to the IOC.

BREAKING: Awww! Who's the sad clown, Dickie? :D


  1. I just don't see how ANY city can beat Chicago when it comes to graft, corruption, bribery, and greed. GO 2016!

  2. Art, I admire your understatement. But lest we forget, there is the Springfield connection, (Chicage firmly in control there and only 4 governors convicted), and the Chicago connection in Washington, Axelrod (his firm will make money) Jarrett (Chicago slum lord who had to have an "ethics wavier" to serve in the administration and who "only has one current conflict of interest" with ownership of a firm that will make millions on the Olympics) and lest we forget, the Pres. who didn't take money from Rezko 916 convictions) but who did get a sweet deal from Rezko's wife on the lot next to his house. Bejing 25 billion over, Athens 17 billion over, London 9 billion over with 3 years to go. Go Chi Town Hustlers, you can do it.

  3. Sorry, it should have been "Rezko (16 convictions).

  4. And it's FAIL in the first round! The slap heard 'round the world!

  5. OMG! How could this happen? The pic at says it all!

  6. Barack left behind Health Care, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan to fly to Denmark and torpedo Mayor Daley.

    I have never been prouder of my country than now!

    Good job, Barry.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. "Barack left behind Health Care, Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan to fly to Denmark and torpedo Mayor Daley."

    Perhaps Obama should leave the country more often?

  8. "ANY city can beat Chicago when it comes to graft, corruption, bribery, and greed"

    " the most hookers and blow to the IOC."

    Obviously, you haven't been to Rio.


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