Friday, October 16, 2009

Is it just me...

...or is the new'n'improved Technorati well and truly fuXX0r3d?

In the few years I've been doing this blogging thing, I've seen several attempts come and go to "rate" the "relative importance" of blogs (some of which you'll find at the bottom of the page here, under the heading "All is Vanity...") and the only outfit that's ever come up with a way that works or matters is SiteMeter.


  1. Same thing happened to me. Alas, Sitemeter didn't show a similar order of magnitude jump.

    Too bad, too - I was planning on retiring on the ad revenue. ;-)

  2. After my recent time-consuming foray into amateur rock music and return to the sewer-fight online, I observed that Technorati had degenerated into its final uselessness.

    I've finally deleted that link, now.

  3. I could never figure out what Technorati was up-to, and now I more-can't. Are guns a Lifestyle, a Sport, or Political?

  4. I was going to ask "What is this 'Technorati' thing of which you speak?", but I guess I won't bother...


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