Monday, October 05, 2009

It's like instant karma.

According to the media organs that pay attention to such things, Michael Moore's movie about the evils of making profits is... well... not very evil, at least if you're using profits as a gauge of malevolence.


  1. Well, at least Mikey's saving money by relocating his production facility to Canada.

    You know, to avoid paying US taxes...

    Why anyone takes that fat clown seriously I'll never know...

  2. Agreed. I can't believe anyone takes him seriously.

    The guy's a major league hypocrite.

  3. He'll probably win an Oscar or a Nobel Peace Prize for this "important comment on the state of the world."
    The only reason it isn't a blockbuster is because of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

  4. Using capitalism to cry the evils of capitalism is the host consuming itself. We might actually see the first man produced black hole.

  5. Maybe he's walking proof that the physical is superior to the mental: That degree of obesity precludes rational thought.


  6. Quoted from the other site:

    "I found him thin in the smarts department when he went after GM and Roger Smith back in the 90s. For all his education and background, he still has found no useful purpose in life. Did something occur in his youth that makes him what he is?"

    MM wants to be the new Nader. The problem is, being the new guy that only has one thing to say, makes you very boring very quickly. The fact that this bozo (sorry clown I wish there was a different name to use) has access to cameras and distribution deals makes his voice louder, if not more annoying.


  7. Top of the Chain: "We might actually see the first man produced black hole."

    If his mass grows much more, we might actually see the first man BECOME a black hole...

    WV:ambilog- digital hybrid


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