Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A man with good taste in firearms.

Frank James writes:
Got another 1903 Colt .32 because my other one is in the shop and has been for some time now. Besides you just can't have too many 1903 Colt .32's.

I have to say that I totally agree. But then I have a weakness for old .32 autos in general, and Colts are just the neatest of the breed. Every now and again I get the urge to acquire a nice little IWB holster for mine because... well, just because.


  1. Absolutely agree. Every time I use mine, I think, "Why isn't Colt still making these? They'd sell bunches."

    Or, failing that, why don't they at least make a few magazines for them....

  2. You and your damned .32s! ;)

    I'm mildly surprised you don't have a Pederson device.

    And Jeff? Yes, it is. Add to it the fact that you're beginning to get into the territory of reasonable self-defense, in a slick little pistol. I've carried one.

  3. Numrich (e-gunparts) has magazines.

    I've been meaning to buy an extra magazine for a bit now... Anyone know if they're decent?

  4. Nice to hear about the little Colt. Of course, up here in the Great White North, that calibre is illegal ... some Olympic-type shooters notwithstanding.


    This prohibition (and on the .25 ACP) apparently saves us from the dreaded concealed Saturday-night special.

    Can you believe it? And they want us to vote for them?


  5. Yes, the .380 version is just as nice, with a little extra kick.

    I've got a spare mag I picked up at a gun show; no maker's mark on it, has a non-tilt type follower, and it works great in mine. That picture looks like it, but can't say for sure.

  6. By the way, Widener's has the Prvi .32 ammo on sale right now

  7. I want more pistols just to have spare magazines.

  8. Seth from Massachusetts8:52 PM, October 27, 2009

    My dad carried one of the .380 version in WWII as an officer inthe Massachusetts State Guard. Had to get a civilion Licence to Carry to get it even through he was in state armed service!

  9. MC SA56: They aren't original mags. The blue goes all the way up to the lips on the ones Numrich is selling.

    Might be good, or not ...

  10. Poppert's gun parts has original mags



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