Friday, October 16, 2009

Münchausen-by-Proxy Boy...

Holy jeebus, how did I miss this?
The father built the 20ft by 5ft silver helium balloon in his yard and it was designed as a transport vehicle of the future so "people can pull out of their garage and hover 50ft to 100ft above traffic." He also once posted a video of himself on the internet in which he describes Hillary Clinton as a "shape shifting reptilian".
Trapped in a runaway UFO or hiding in the garage, the kid is obviously in trouble: "Hello? 911? Yeah, my parents are frickin' crazy!"


  1. I don't know, personal blimps sound pretty snazzy...

  2. and the shape shifting reptilian thing DOES have merit...

  3. I thought Icke said it was the Bush family that were shape-shifting aliens?

  4. A flying saucer in the home is 47 times more likely to be used against someone in your own family than to help you psychically contact aliens in the center of a tornado.

    Saucer control now!

  5. Dude... don't take reptilians out of the equation.. haven't you seen "They Live"?!?!

    Roddy Piper will kick that dude in the testics for making him look bad.

  6. How did you miss it? I'm going to guess "luck".

  7. Too much 'V' at an impressionable age.

  8. The new "V" premieres Nov. 3. Coincidence?

  9. That's just beyond believable. A personal helium balloon?

  10. Reptiles and Helium: a natural mix.

    Try this one for further enlightenment:

    J, t R

    "ovensess" !? -- I swear this shixx ain't accidental

  11. From reality TV shows to crazier-than-reality life involving mylar in the back yard to bizarre interviews on network news shows, that poor little bastard (named Falcon, of course) never stood a friggin' chance at a quiet, normal life.

  12. Reason and Science!

    Shootin' Buddy

  13. "Reason and Science!"

    Huh? What does Reason have to do with Hillary being a shape-shifting reptile?

  14. "What does Reason have to do with Hillary being a shape-shifting reptile?"

    They are science geeks of the Wookie Suiter family. Storm Chasers? Naming their child "Falcon"? Everything they do screams "look at me cause mommy didn't" and "mommy and daddy didn't tell me I was smart".

    Chewbaccatus Scienctas Loonium.

    Unless you mean Reason magazine, the lib mag edited by 8th graders, but I do not know if these Western Wookies subscribed.

    Shootin' Buddy

  15. You're making less sense, not more.

    I'm still failing to see the Reason & Science angle.

  16. So they march to a different drummer. So? Sounds to me like they're living, not just observing.

    Some folks are out on the race track or the playing field; others are just spectators...


  17. Does a twnty foot diameter saucer shaped balloon even have enough lifting capacity to get a six year old airborne? I don't expect the average TV reporter to have an answer to that, but I would expect any competent news organization to ask the question, and be able to find an expert who could answer it. The video of the balloon in flight didn't look like there was much weight being carried.

    I think this whole episode says more about how gullible the news media is than anything else.

  18. "So they march to a different drummer. So?"

    I didn't say there oughtta be a law or anything. This is America, where you're supposed to be able to be as crazy as you wanna be.

    If the 911 thing was a stunt, though, I hope the county bills 'em for expenses.

  19. Lifting capacity of helium = .067 pounds per cubic foot.

    Balloon was a 20' x 5' foot cylinder, with an internal capacity of around 1500 cubic feet.

    Lifting capacity of said ballon would be around 100 pounds, so it definately had the lifting capacity to carry him.

    I dunno whether it was a stunt, but if I had such a balloon and a kid who'd already gotten into trouble for messing with it, I'd probably assume the worst as well when both went missing.

  20. 1. The balloon in the picture didn't look that big. I don't think it could have lifted the kid.

    2. On the other hand, he DID have Hillary nailed...

  21. 100 lbs for a max gross weight sounds about right, if the craft were an actual cylinder. It looks more like a lenticular shape with twenty foot diameter top and bottom skins, and internal structure to limit it to a maximum thickness of five feet. This shape would have significantly less volume than a full cylinder.

    I don't think you can really expect a weight of more than 70 lbs to lift. Estimating 20 lbs for structure and another 10 lbs for the electrical equipment in the little gondola, that only leaves 40lbs for a payload. Even if it did get off the ground, the load would be almost all concentrated in that little gondola. There would be strong distortion an the bottom of the envelope showing how the structure is supporting so much weight, and the suspended weight would make the assembly very bottom heavy and stable, with some regular pendulum type motion. Neither of these characteristics is visible in the video.

    The ballon in flight looks like what it is, a very lightly loaded craft, barely able to support its own weight.

  22. I'll spare comment on the lunacy. But, when listening to it on teh radio on my way out of work, it did kick the synapses in.

    Was thinking of a smaller, cigar shaped blimp that used hot air generated by an air-cooled engine with a heat exchanger on the exhaust... driven by centrifugal air pump and a fully articulated set of axial "air amplifiers" like what Dyson just announced in use as a desk fan.

    It's a stretch, I know. But the Dyson blower as propulsion for a low-speed lightweight device? I think that's workable. Actually, I wonder how I could build one into the envelope itself, kind of inverse ring and utilize laminar flow.... ah, I have other things to do today, thank god. otherwise I'd be sitting here for hours calculating reynolds numbers, lifting moment, CG and frontal area, tensor moments for mylar stretched over aluminum wire...

  23. BTW, the reptile stuff is nuts.

    But, the "million volts!" control system... coronal discharge/ion stream? it's been done before, I don't think on that kind of scale...

    This is also assuming that the construction of such wasn't a huge, crackling pile of electrified crap from the diseased mind of a media whore.

  24. Not big enough, we have a Zeppelin hanger out here that needs fillin' - with reptilian shape-shifters if need be, lots of 'em.

  25. Tangentially, I think whoever makes it go first, will make a fortune using LTA vehicles for point-to-point heavy lift.

    These dudes... meh. Garden-variety nutbars.


  26. Oh, hey, Tam - if you want some even more purely unabated ca-razy that just took place, check out the whole "TSA TOOKS MAH BAYBEE!"

    And the TSA's so-called video "proof"

    When I started reading, I was sure it was going to fall under "More Government Abuse" but then it took a turn for the "Ohhh, I get it, she's crazy." It's wackier than The Boy (not) in the Balloon, IMHO.


  27. was just reading, but had to comment as word verification was 'pyher' as in 'kill it with...'


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