Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What media bias?

The Indianapolis Red Star picked four swarthy-looking mugshots, totally at random no doubt, and plastered them under the headline Should Scary Negroes Like These Be Allowed To Carry A Gun?


  1. Yeah.

    450 dodgy permits out of hundreds of thousands issued.

    Like there aren't thousands of gang-bangers out there carrying without permits.

    The fishwarp needs to get its priorities straight.

  2. When all else fails, break out the Race Card.

  3. Oh Yeah!!!

    Here's the race card in spades.


    In local alarmist news, you'd think that there was an active zombie outbreak.

    John. the Red

  4. Should these men be allowed to VOTE?

  5. Aaaaaaaand that's why I'm actually kind glad they fired me.

  6. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has done a lot of work to expose the racist roots of gun control in America.

    One such product is "No Guns for Negroes", a movie which they have made available for viewing at no monetary cost on their website.


  7. It'd be cool if they did a poll, asking readers to answer that question, and later broke the news that all those in the photos were upstanding businessmen, working in their spare time at the local church charity. -- Lyle

  8. That's what you RINO's don't get. It's OK to use racism if it furthers your agenda. That's why you will always lose!


  9. Without knowing anything about the fellows in question; Sure they should be allowed guns. Sometimes just looking scary isn't enough.

    Turing word: cohater
    Turing question: Who's my partner?

  10. Fukkem. I'm really starting to take the attitude that: it only matters if you care about being called 'criminal'

  11. One of the guys had no actual convictions prior to getting his permit.

    Being ACCUSED of criminal behavior (where the charges are dismissed or dropped) does not actually MAKE you a criminal.

    Don;t want dodgy individuals getting permits becuase they would have been blocked, had their previous charges not been dropped? Then stop allowing your DAs to drop meaningful charges, or argue violent felonies down to minor misdemeanors. The violent predators, if you aren't going to keep them locked up anyway, ought to AT LEAST suffer the effect of being designated a "convicted felon", even if you get them to plead out by a softball sentance agreement.

  12. Wonder if it would be possible to round up some crime scene photos of raped and murdered women and publish them with the caption, "Shouldn't these women have been allowed to carry a gun?"


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