Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Glrg, Part II.

I came home, did chores, caught a nap from 10:00 to 1:00 on the futon, did more chores, drove my neighbor to her 4:30 follow-up appointment, came home, ate, napped from ~7:00 to 9:00 and now it's back to playing Florence Nightingale for another night.

On the list of "Things Tamara Wants To Be If She Grows Up", I think we can safely cross off "Third Shift Candy Striper".

Regular blogging will hopefully resume tomorrow.


  1. Maybe so, but, as my wife would say, it earns you little gold stars in heaven....

  2. I feel for you. I had that surgery earlier this year, and my poor wife had to wait on me hand and foot for days. It really should be in-patient, at least for the first 1 or 2 nights.

    Keep it up. You're adding to your karma.

  3. ...but that candy-striper uniform is SO cute!

    wv: "foreat" I guess it is tasty too!

  4. I worked third shift for over three years. I think I spent the entire time in a bad mood. I was a total grinch. I don't ever want to do that again. Here's to hoping you can get back to your normal routine soon.

  5. "You're adding to your karma."

    That you are, & good on you for doing it...

  6. Hey! Nursing is an honorable profession. Don't know it.

    TX Nurse

  7. Hey Nurse! C'mear I gotta go!
    Nurse! Nurse! I needa samich.
    Been there, but you are terrific for helping someone in need. Thats what we do.The Tam Army.

  8. Do they let you pack heat? Where does a candy striper conceal her gat?

    Straight question...

  9. Friends, neighbors and relatives pitching in like you are doing is about all the keeps the fabric of society from unraveling.

  10. The Karma Points accumulate even faster the second time around.

  11. No good deed goes unpunished.

  12. Just spent a full-week Plus in the hospital with the wife. That game got old REALLY fucking fast!

  13. "Third Shift Candy Stripers"... I think that was a "movie" in the mid 80's.

    Good luck.

  14. 80's porn flick ... you mean.

    Bow chicka chicka Bow Bow!

    ( wv: Fails

    XD )


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