Friday, November 27, 2009

Hey, Michael Daly...

As the bumper sticker says, "We don't care how y'all did it up north."


  1. Tamara: plenty of us Yankees are just as disgusted with the attitudes displayed by the Michael Dalys of the world. . . remember that. I get a bit tired of the Northener, NY, East Coast, etc bashing that I see on many gun boards. .

    Many of us in these parts are conservative, pro-gun rights, and have to make serious efforts to exercise our gun rights. . . don't throw us out with the bathwater---even figuratively.

    Rant over.

    WV: "rerias" Sit your rerias down and have a drink.

  2. Mikey doesn't like reality, so he substitutes bleeding brain stupidity. When the economy crashes, he MIGHT be qualified to provide personal services to DeeDee Sullivan, but nothing that will pay money.
    Maybe he could move in with Congressfreak Fwank....

  3. Paul,

    I was referencing his "Dixie Dopes" bon mot, which has been changed to "South Carolina" although the original title is still visible in the URL.

    The bumper sticker I mentioned is popular amongst Southerners who've had to listen to one too many people at the homeowner's association drone on about "Well, back in Hoboken, we used to..."

  4. "Well, back in Hoboken, we used to... [wear shoes, not park our cars on our lawns, read books, etc.]"

    And of course the paper must use a photo of Jasper with the Golden Deagle. *sigh*

    What New York City needs is a federal law making it illegal to purchase handguns in states in which one is not a resident. Or, a federal law prohibiting felons from buying firearms. Or, a law makeing it a federal crime to give a pistol to a person one knows to be a felon.

    If New York City had these laws it would no doubt be a crime-free utopia. However, it is far easier to blame someone else than to look in the mirror.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. And did you notice that the "poll" (as of 0743, 11/27/09 PST) only offered anti-gun choices? There was no option for something like "Reduce/Eliminate the laws restricting the right of self-defense". As a friend of mine says "What good is a $50 haircut on a 50 cent head?"

  6. some of the real world peaple support south carolina who is a states rights leader!(the civil war!) So all the bleading heart liberal butwipes can go and choke on their turkey leftovers. We in the south have had enough of northern moronic We don't care how you did it in the north!

  7. We have a similar saying in northern Nevada.

    (My wife has her bumper sticker on magnetic sign backing so it can be removed prior to cross-border ops into Kalifornistan.)

  8. SB,

    "Well, back in Hoboken, we used to... [wear shoes, not park our cars on our lawns, read books, etc.]"

    I was thinking "...sit around in our slippers collecting union pension checks while watching the plant rust instead of putting on our shoes and going to work at Lockheed or the Mercedes factory," but whatever. ;)

  9. Perhaps I've been under my rock on the Left Coast too long...

    If NYPD is sending people to other states (where they have no jurisdiction) in an attempt to "buy guns undercover", isn't that in and off itself a federal felony under current law?

  10. If NYPD is sending people to other states (where they have no jurisdiction) in an attempt to "buy guns undercover", isn't that in and off itself a federal felony under current law?

    Well, maybe. But apparently the BATFE isnt' overly interested in investigating Bloomberg's henchmen (or Bloomberg himself, as arch-conspirator.)

    Of course, if one were to be approached by someone conspiring to commit a felony (such as a "straw man" sale) a citizen's arrest could become an option in some jurisdictions. Few things would do my heart more good than to see one of Bloomberg's men detained for a sworn officer by a "private person" using "reasonable force."

  11. Bone deep stupid has no geographical limitations, unfortunately. If it were the case that the assclowns lived in one place and the normal people lived in another, all this bullshit would be over in five minutes.

  12. Damn! To read that story, you'd think the New York Daily Cat Box Liner (h/t Tam:) had some sort of bias going on there.

    "Pitts is untroubled by statistics showing South Carolina is a leading supplier of illegal guns to New York and other cities. He applies what apparently passes for logic down there."

    What apparently passes for logic down there? WTF?!? Taking such elementary pot-shots at people from hundreds of miles away really makes me want to jump up on a hill in Texas and shout "Come say that shit to my face!"


  13. Moriarty said...

    If NYPD is sending people to other states (where they have no jurisdiction) in an attempt to "buy guns undercover", isn't that in and off itself a federal felony under current law?

    Not if your heart is pure and your intentions noble.


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