Thursday, November 05, 2009

It's all in the name of cash safety...

Baltimore can only put up robot speed cameras in school zones, which cramps the revenue flow from Officer R2D2... unless you create bogus new "school zones".


  1. Why don't they just tax prostitution and crack sales?

  2. the government takes another step toward becoming just another gang of thugs, preying on the general populace.

  3. "Why don't they just tax prostitution and crack sales?"

    That would impact too many politicians.

  4. they are THE GANG of hoods. gov must be held responcable for their stupidity.

  5. School zones are riduculous. Fence the little snotnoses in, and put traffic signals at the driveway entrances to control traffic during peak ingress/egress.

    Slowing traffic down to 25MPH in a 45MPH zone (in front of the International School on Michigan Road) or 25 to 40 (in front of Brebeuf Prep on 86th Street) is nothing more than stupid, and guaranteed to cause an accident at some point when some unobservant moron cruises through without slowing down.

    To coin a phrase: Kids dart. If they do it out of schoolyards into traffic, well, we all know what Darwin said.

  6. (Sorry, I was so mad I could barely type straight. That should be "40 to 25" in my second example of an egregious school zone.)

  7. An overly-large amount of traffic law enforcement has to do with raising revenue, not in promoting safety. The sad thing is that it engenders disrespect for traffic laws, which leads to disrespect to all law.


  8. Welcome to The Peoples Republic of Maryland.

    State motto: If you can dream it, we can tax it.

    I need to get out of here soon...

  9. Bogus school-zones also expand the gun-free no-carry areas.

  10. The people can take back their city.

    Folks in College Station, Texas petitioned to have a vote over Red Light Cameras. They won, the cameras will be removed next week.

  11. Art--

    And did ya ever notice how long it takes some cities to take down the "Construction Zone" signs after a road project is completed??

    We had one stretch of I-55 still festooned with the "Revenue Enhancement" signs four months after Hizzoner had blessed the completion with his photo-op.

  12. Charles street is admin buildings, and there's a good sized lawn between the buildings and the street. The only time there are kids there is sledding down the hill in winter. On the streets around me (I live across from a high school) there are lots of these inventions called speed bumps that work pretty well. But they don't bring in revenue. A lot of citizens have been against them from the start but the legislature doesn't care. They know they'll get re-elected anyway.

  13. Nathan: We've got a 45 -> 15 school zone here in Albuquerque.

  14. "Why don't they just tax prostitution and crack sales?"

    They do. "Afterall, the Internal Revenue Code states that all income is taxable, from whatever source derived." (source -,,id=108254,00.html)

    Oh, wait. Are you trying to tell me that the prostitutes and crack sellers, criminals though they may be, are compounding their crimes by, you know, not reporting that income on their taxes?

  15. I can just see that.

    Occupation: Sexual Therapist and Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

    Backed up with a degree from the Online University of Guatemala and a cheap office in the decaying section of town...

    Every bit a legitimate as some.

  16. Art got what I was going to say.

  17. OA --

    The courts have ruled that, while mentioning your illegal profession is not required (5th Amendment and all), you STILL have to claim the income.

    They had a guy try and claim he didn't file ANY income tax return becuase he only worked an illegal profession. . .

    See, if Al Capone had just CLAIMED he made millions as a used furniture salesman, he could have gone insane from syphillis in the comfort of his own home. . .


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