Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Neat trick.

Cute trick.

It's helped by the fact that the G35 is lightly sprung with respect to its slide weight. That, and the guy doing it is fairly buff.

About zero practical application, however. While not as cool-looking, snagging the rear sight is barely slower and a lot more positive. And "positive" beats "cool looking" in the all-important category of "not getting one's ass shot off".

The real highlight of the post at The Firearm Blog, though, is the Counterstrike Kiddie in the comments section who says:
It could almost make dual wielding handguns a viable combat method, as it saves a lot of time on the reloading.

Now to design a mag holder that would hold the mags for you so you can put them in more easily one handed…

Oh, definitely! I'm going to start "dual wielding" my 1911s tomorrow, because zOMG it's teh awes0m3!!!!1!eleven!~!

Who the $%^& lets these children on my internets?


  1. From the "nothing new under the sun" files, Angelina Jolie had a *ahem* chest rig *ahem* in one of the Tomb Raider movies that helpfully kicked her USP magazines out at an angle so she could slam the empty pistols against the vest and dual-wield-reload.

    But don't tell the tactical munchkins, or they're gonna start bugging the Hong Kong airsoft gear people to make them.

  2. "as it saves a lot of time on the reloading.

    Now to design a mag holder that would hold the mags for you so you can put them in more easily one handed…"

    The sheer lack of brain power here is mind boggling. I guess he wants a magazine holder that just launches the magazine from his belt to the bottom of his gun.

    I'm sure I was just as much of an idiot as a teenager. But I'm really glad that I can't even remember a time when I was more concerned with trying to look cool when I did things than with actually doing them well.

  3. ...and hitting the 'publish' button reminded me of the guys who were trying to sell an AR-15 magazine vest that held the magazines in a wraparound spring loaded magazine that would automagically feed you magazines.

    It was it's own hilarious YO DAWG joke and now I can't find it! Curse you internets!

  4. We need a photo of Tam dual wielding 1911s. That would make my life pretty much complete.

    What's wrong with dual wielding? I do it all the time on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. These Dual-wielding-tards still have yet to explain how I am to use the sights on my damn guns.

    You'd best have a speedy and effective means of reloading because if you're not using the sights reloading is JUST what you'll need to do.

  6. PDB beat me to the Laura Croft reference. Doubt any of them look as good on a TRX850 though.

  7. Gosh, what a nerd. Everybody knows you only do 50% damage on the off-hand!

  8. As for who let these children on the internet, I've long suggested that we commandeer the Leopold rail gun from Aberdeen and connect to some sort of IP tracking system. You know what they say about HE and its proper application...

  9. I think that PDB was talking about the Strac System...

    You know, I thought a lot about the one handed trick.

    I think that everyone knows it is a parlor trick, but what it says about the owner/operator in no uncertain terms is that he knows his gear, which is not a bad thing.

    There is a video of Jake DiVita doing a magazine change while catching the empty. Of course nobody is going to do that in "real life", but again it is something fun that gets folks practicing. Again, too, nobody can say that Jake doesn't know his gear...

  10. So Lamont Cranston (The Shadow) using a 1911 in each hand, and his third and forth hands to keep the frigging cape out of the way, blasts away from the hip (real men don't need no steeeking sights), and reloads how?

    If there's one thing I think any of us should watch out for, it's the lips on our magazines.

  11. Two guns using sights?

    That is easy! Ed McGivern had that figured out a long time ago!


    BTW - that link is also the copy of Fast'N'Fancy, which is now in the public domain on Google Books!

  12. Tam,

    Correct me if I'm wrong (I figger you'd know), but wasn't one of the design criteria for the 1911 that it should be able to be racked into battery from the holster of an cavalryman whilst on saddle at a gallop?

    JMB made that one-handed rack move much easier, assuming someone hasn't desecrated his design with the addition of a FLGR.

  13. The difference of course is that both the Glock slide guy and Jake are USPSA GMs, which means when they're screwing around and doing stuff like this for funzies it shouldn't be taken as SRS TACTICAL ADVICE.

  14. Glock slide guy and Jake are USPSA GMs, which means when they're screwing around and doing stuff like this for funzies

    Exactly... There is a spirit of "oneupmanship" in any competitive sport and IDPA/IPSC is no different...

    I just wish Cliff Walsh didn't take it to the extreme - Tam's post about wire-brain-brush's got nothing on his hot tub escapades...

  15. both the Glock slide guy and Jake are inhuman aliens allied with Bob Munden - there, fixed it for you. :)

    Al T.

  16. Hey, in the old PC FPS, Aliens vs. Predator, when you ripped off one of the android's arms, they'd rack the pistol slide in their teeth. Kids these days...

  17. IIRC, there was a CZ pistol designed with a misshapen slide to accommodate one-handed racking. I saw it as an answer to a question no one asked.

    As for dual wielding pistols, did they ever think to use a friggin' extended slide stop? That would be a lot simpler than one-handed slide operation. But then again, you can't expect that much brainpower from a dual wielding advocate.

  18. You just need the up-the-sleeve mag insertors, and you can be a real operator like a Grammaton Cleric.

  19. Gosh, what a nerd. Everybody knows you only do 50% damage on the off-hand!

    Of course it does! That's why you have to compensate by using a Deagle chambered in 800 Awesomag!

  20. Dan beat me to it. As long as the pistol locks back on the empty mag and you've got ambi slide releases, no sick racking skizilllz are required.

    obMovie: I know I've seen an actress hold the forearm of a pump gun and rack it one-handed. I want to say it was Linda Hamilton in Terminator.

  21. The good Baldwin brother hit two guys with two guns in Usual Suspects, Costner did it in Silverado - guns at 90 degrees to each other! I mean, it's not TV so it might not be true, but the movies are almost as real as TV.

  22. Clarence Mulford's Bill Cassidy was a two gun fighting man. But here in the real world - few have had the coordination to actually use two guns in combat. More commonly, the left gun (or right) was almost drawn as an afterthought and swapped in almost a juggling motion when the right failed to fire.

    "Long Haired" Bill Courtright did the "border switch" when a lucky shot from Luke Short (the gambler, not the fiction writer) took his right thumb ofr, one fine day in Fort Worth.

    There are other examples in the actual history, and I was privileged to see an old time Ranger demonstrate both the border roll and the border switch. Amazing - with some equally amazing "trick shooting" afterward.

    The more so since he was 90 plus at the time. Plenty wrinkles in that Old Man's horns.


  23. That was cool! And now my elbow hurts. And I'm no closer to achieving success with my G20.

    I suck at internet childhood. :(

  24. No matter how much, I jerk my gunhand, I can't seem to get my revolver to go into battery.

    Maybe I need a Webley-Fosbery?

  25. Wasn't alternate shooting sort of common in cowboy days? Especially from horseback(where accuracy was pretty shit anyway). Aiming and firing one revolver while cocking the single action of the other. It gave higher rate of fire and ammo capacity between reloads. Of course that's not really related to movie-style dual wielding, as they still aimed each gun in turn.

  26. pdb said: From the "nothing new under the sun" files, Angelina Jolie had a *ahem* chest rig *ahem* in one of the Tomb Raider movies that helpfully kicked her USP magazines out at an angle so she could slam the empty pistols against the vest and dual-wield-reload.

    There was a chest rig involved??? I thought she was reloading those pistols with her ass cheeks. How did I miss that?

  27. Jeebus! No rotator cuff problems there. Of course he's still young.


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