Thursday, November 05, 2009

Overheard in the Office:

Me: "Huh. Neda's story is back front page center at after all this time. We're gonna hit Iran."

RX: "We don't have every war Mr. Hearst wants us to have. Only about sixty percent of them."

Me: "I'm so cynical."

RX: "You're more cynical than that."


  1. There you guys go with that math stuff again!

  2. I am still trying to wrap my head around this:

    The Left in this country is appalled by the very thought of a preemtive strike on Iran, even if such a strike would destroy Iran's nuclear program......

    .... yet these same people are easily swayed to hatred because a single person was murdered by a paramilitary supporter of that country's government.

    Iranian fascists with nuclear weapons = No Big Deal, but somebody gets killed on youtube and the SHTF?

    Mehbee.... the former plan actually requires some action, while the latter only requires some feelings.....

    I'd like to remind anyone who thinks that Iran with nuclear weapons is No Big Deal that anyone can kill anyone, but it takes a country to destroy a city.

    .... glad I don't live in one.

  3. "I'd like to remind anyone who thinks that Iran with nuclear weapons is No Big Deal that anyone can kill anyone, but it takes a country to destroy a city."

    Nonsense. Cleveland destroyed itself just fine.

  4. Anyone over 25 who is not cynical has not been paying attention.

  5. 25? Hell, try 15, unless they're emotionally stunted.


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