Monday, November 02, 2009

Weird dreams.

Oddly enough, I don't often have zombie dreams. Perhaps because I have spent so much of my waking time preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse, they just aren't features of my nocturnal landscape.

My first night in Chicago, however, featured a humdinger of a zombie dream. And in this zombie dream I was completely unarmed. As a matter of fact, scratch "dream" and substitute "nightmare". The last thing I remember about it was trying to talk my way out of getting bitten when I got myself cornered; that's right, I was reduced to tearfully pleading for mercy and attempting to reason with the zombie. For some reason, the zombie was as unamenable to logic as the typical Chicago voter... Wait, that's not a good analogy because, speaking statistically, the "typical Chicago voter" probably is a zombie. There're a lotta stiffs in Rosehill, after all.

I wonder if the fact that I was farther from my sidearm than I've been in probably the last fifteen years had anything to do with it?


  1. The set designer of my dream had neglected to provide any handy weapons in the middle of the asphalt cul-de-sac where I was finally brought to bay.

  2. Important Reminder!
    Make sure it IS the Zombie Apocalypse.

    Not just a few Meth Heads out on a Weekend.

    ...This fine tuesday!

  3. Welcome to the nightmare of Blue-State America.

  4. Looks like allegory to me.

  5. Separation Anxiety.

  6. Yea but there's plenty of Starbucks in the second city and they haven't banned that yet.

  7. Both of my sons live in Chicago. Damned annoying to visit from Ohio with a carry permit, but no carry piece.

  8. Separation anxiety is perfectly normal. I'll be traveling later this month but I'll be able to jones a carry piece when I arrive at my destination.

  9. You needn't be unarmed in Mordor, just do what the Mordor State Police suggests: stick your fingers down your throat and vomit.

  10. Try as as I might, I just can't get my head around TK unarmed and tearfully pleading for mercy from ANY adversary, living or undead.
    Even Mordor hasn't managed to ban snark, and Tam is such a virtuoso, I believe she could mock the poor creature until, desperate for relief, it destroyed itself. :-D


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