Monday, December 07, 2009

Cell Phone Error.

Newbius experienced a fairly exotic cell phone blooper.

Had his kinfolk been a bit more jittery, hijinks could have ensued.


  1. I'm wondering if this is better or worse than butt-dialing a girlfriend-you're-not-supposed-to-have while you're uh, "busy" with wife / girlfriend you're officially connected with.

  2. Which one is more likely to get a SWAT team deployed by mistake?

  3. Depends on the girlfriend, I imagine...

  4. This reminds me of a great story. I was on the range one day, when I got a phone call from my friendly local ATF agent, related to an issue at work. I noticed my phone was ringing and the range line was "cold", so I answered it.

    I'm speaking with the agent about 35 feet away from the line, when the line goes hot and pistol shooty goodness ensues. There is a huge pause and then the agent says, "Jesus Christ, are you okay?!" I started laughing and had to explain to him that I was fielding his phone call from the range.

    Now, THAT would've been not so funny and yet hilarious at the same time, because the ATF guy was serious. I'm thinking if anything had happened, we're talking SWAT Team in a matter of minutes.


    WV: Miess, that thing we don't want to do when shooting.

  5. Jittery is an understatement in Canada (via Instapundit): Hijinks in Canada

    I am rolling my eyes and doing everything I can to defend our Constitution here.

  6. Now that right there is a good example of why I ditched the straight up phone and went with a flip phone. No more accidental calls.

  7. LOL. I was there with him shooting at the NRA range and I didn't even know about it. I got to shoot some of Old NFO's guns and he got to shoot mine. Jovian Thunderbolt was there, a fellow reader "Stretch" was too and a great time was had by all. It was worth the 6 hour drive to go meet them!!


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