Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Constant craving update.

There is a 15oz. ribeye in the fridge.

I don't usually look forward to lunch this much, but then lunch is usually a can of soup or Hormel chili.


  1. Note to self: Keep fresh meat available at all times... Well, in our house, we keep somewhere on the order of 50 lbs of steak, pork loin/tender loin, pork shoulder, hamburger, chicken, etc. available at all times... You never know when someone is coming for dinner!

  2. Hormel chili is good stuff even if it does have a layer of fluorescent orange grease on top.


  3. love a good steak, bon appatite! or happy bill of rights day!! long live the second ammendment!!


  4. Yummmm...steak...I'll take a baked potato with mine...

    I seriously have a picture of the very nice steak I ate last, along with the huge baked potato as the wallpaper on my phone. Just so I never forget I am a carnivore.

  5. And I know you like your steak rare, which is the only way to eat one. So enjoy, of course you just made my Quiznos seem so unfilling.

  6. See what you buy when you shop during a meat craving episode?

    You should shop that way more often.

  7. I'm beginning to think you are pregnant!

  8. It is perfectly normal to crave a big chunk of meat in cold weather. The larger and rarer the better.

    Back when, I used to buy five pounds of lean round and grind it into hamburger. Dress two thick slices of homemade bread and a patty that had never seen fire to make a light lunch. For my girl. I took two. And that was five pounds of very rare hamburger for three burgers.

    But HORMELS "chili?" They don't have Wolfs in Indy? Wolfs is not really Chili, but it's a lot closer than the tomato soup that comes in a Hormels can.


  9. Calls for a baked potato, butter, sour cream and some home grown green beans.

    I'm a firm believer in the theory that says if you are craving red meat, your body needs red meat.

    ~Larry, who has about 160 lbs of grass fed beef in the deep freeze.


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