Wednesday, December 09, 2009

"I'm a moron," says Reid, "but I'm not sorry."

"When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said slow down, it's too early, let's wait, things aren't bad enough," Reid said Monday in a Senate floor speech.

I guess you were too busy staring at the training bra of the girl sitting next to you in U.S. History 101 to take notes as to just who those heel-diggers were, Harry. (I'll give you a hint: "D_m_cr_t P_rty". Fill in the blanks. Ready? Go!)
"Well, I think the point is quite clear by this point," Reid told reporters on Capitol Hill.
Yes, Harry, it is, but your hair covers it nicely.


  1. I say, I say, I dooooo declare, that we Democrats, we, I say, I say, Southern Democrats fought for um . . . states' rights, verily, suhhhhrrrrr, states' rights and not da owning for others, suhr, I say, I say.

    Col. (ret. and fried extra crispy) F. Lee Jasper Stonewall Lee Leghorn III, CSA, I say, I say

  2. Maybe we can pass a tax to buy Mr Reid a vowel.

  3. I would have thought Harry Reid would have met Robert Byrd by now...

  4. Harry Reid still hasn't learned the First Rule of Holes.

  5. "Yes, Harry, it is, but your hair covers it nicely. "

    This is why you are the Queen of Snark, Tam!

    Thanks for the laugh!



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