Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve fireworks...

...because, hey, it's my blog, and I don't think it has enough explosions on it today.


  1. A little AC/DC, a little automatic weapons fire... What's not to love?

  2. With an explosive coda to end it all.

  3. I first saw one of these videos when the Delta recruiters came to speak with my Ranger class the day prior to graduation. The video was quite "hooah," but I'm not sure how many of us seemed interested in signing up for the try-outs. While I understood the recruiters wanting to hit a particular target audience and demographic, I think their timing was a bit off. We had all just about had our fill of "hooah" at that point... and were more looking forward to getting our fill of beer and cheeseburgers.

    Good times.

  4. Is it true that all of the cars used in the video were stolen from parking lots at Camp LeJeune?

  5. I think this qualifies as "awesome."

  6. how bout some Navy Love?

  7. Soon to be used on U.S. citizens, near you!

    I see that Zombiekiller6 likes "Kelly's Heroes"!

  8. "Soon to be used on U.S. citizens, near you!"

    Oh, puh-leeze.


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