Friday, December 18, 2009

Yeah, whatever...

Michael Moore threatens to boycott Connecticut.

Unless Twinkies are made there, I don't think they have much to worry about.


  1. Wouldn't that entail coming back from Canada, where Moore relocated his production company to evade US taxes?

  2. If all twelve people who watch his movies boycott, it could really hurt Conn. NOT!!

  3. He's added Vermont now. Maybe if we're lucky, he'll boycott all 50 states and move permanently to Cuba. I'm sure he'd love it there.

  4. My dad told me he lives up around them in Northern Michigan and he complained in a letter to the local paper that the internet speeds were not fast enough for him to do movies. His solution was to get thei town to upgrade the internet for everyone so he would have faster access.

    I found his approach an interesting view into the liberal mind. Instead of paying for more bandwidth himself, he wants everyone to pay for it to his level of "need".

  5. If I were Connecticut I'd ask for it in writing.

  6. Twinkies in Connecticut? You must be thinking of Massachusetts. Cuz there is reputed to be a Twinkie factory in Natick....

  7. That's some serious snark there, tam.

    jen from atl

  8. Not only that, but we make most of America's guns around here. If it wasn't for us, he would have to write movies about the deep anti-social reasons Republicans stab each other.

    We must be really nasty uncareing bahstuds. Hey, it's a tough job, but....

  9. If Twinkies were made there, he'd never consider a boycott... but might buy a vacation house.


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