Friday, December 25, 2009

You know what I hate...?

I hadn't seen this bit since it was actually on TV over ten years ago, and yet I still remembered nearly the whole thing. Lord knows anybody around me of any length of time has heard me use the "Hootie", "vans with no windows", or "kitten pie" lines. :D


  1. With our lovely Frontier internet provider (who has never managed to make their system work properly in rain, snow, sleet, wind, dark of night, or clear sunny days) I can't get much in the way of streaming video today. What I managed to get, sounds snarky as can be :-)

  2. "caramel covered onion" Wow, man, I laughed out loud. :)

  3. I, um, ... If you hear about someone on the news next year who got in trouble for handing out caramel-covered onions ... I'm not saying it will be me -- but I'm not saying it won't be, either.

    Just sayin'.

    WV: nozoran. I'm not sure what it does, exactly, but the side effects are aMAZing.

  4. Ironically, Hootie does country music now.

  5. caramel covered onions got a good belly laugh out of me for sure.


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