Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another report on the SOTU speech...

Barry opened his cakehole about the economy again last night and, like clockwork, the Dow is down by 150 points and it's not even lunchtime.

It's almost like there's a connection or something...


  1. It must be killing Obama. He has done everything he possible can to destroy the economy and yet the market just keeps going up.

    Hold he's going to get desperate soon. Then the kid gloves will come off. I expect that he will try a tax on stock trades next.

  2. He's going to cause a revolution one of these days.

  3. The Narcissist in Chief is nuttier than squirrel poop, so there's no way he's going to see cause and effect, or even suspect that he might, possibly, be doing anything wrong. For those things to happen, he would first have to pull his head out of the gold-dust-farting unicorn's butt and take a look around.

  4. Let's tax banks that didn't take TARP funds because, umm, well, they're bad? Lets not mention Fannie and Freddie or the UAW bailout.

    Brilliant! Those taxes won't just get passed on to the customers (corporate and individual), right?

  5. It's all a plot by big business to discredit him. Or secret large organizations funding those whackos who go to tea parties telling their believers to trash the market and destroy their retirement plans. That must be it. Or something.

  6. How could the investers NOT pull out. This president thinks that last year was one of the toughest years our nation has ever had to contend with.

    Think about that for a second. If he believes that, then what does he think of the trials that his predecessors have gone through.

    Answer: he doesn't.


  7. Matt G,

    Right on, sir.

    He's clueless about the past, so he's going to be repeating it...and he still won't learn a thing.


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