Monday, January 11, 2010

Behind Enemy Lines.

The maquisards in Illinois are holding a Town Hall Meeting on the CCW issue with Congressional candidate Joe Walsh on January 21 in Spring Grove, IL.

Vive la RĂ©sistance!


  1. Ooooooooooooo, if Illinois get's Shall Issue CCW before Maryland does...

  2. ILOVE Joe Walsh. "My maserati does 185..".

    What? Oh, the other one? Nevermind.

  3. Illinois getting shall-issue? Don't worry, Jovian, CCW in this state ain't gonna happen unless Chicago and its associated elected officials are expelled. Maryland will get shall-issue first. I'd love to be proven wrong on this, though, very much so. All the legislators we get from Chicago are allergic to guns being in the hands of voters.

  4. I know things are confused in Illinois but geez:

    1. A meeting with a candidate for federal office regarding a state matter?

    2. The pro-CCW website cites a case involving a "home invasion"? You can already carry your gun in your home in Illinois.

    Now I'm confused.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. 1A meeting with a candidate for federal office regarding a state matter?

    Not quite... We're trying to get things passed at a county or state level, if possible. We've hopefully got the co. board Chairman and Sheriff to support us.

    That said, we've got the Gov's election coming up and are trying to get some of the sympatico folks to come out, take questions, talk to us - We've already had success with one candidate.

    2The pro-CCW website cites a case involving a "home invasion"? You can already carry your gun in your home in Illinois.

    You are correct that you can carry at home, but the point this should underscore is that violence, especially violent home invasion, is not infrequent. Why should a person be limited only to carry at their home/place of business.

    3llinois getting shall-issue? Don't worry, Jovian, CCW in this state ain't gonna happen

    I can certainly understand that people are skeptical, but for us that live in Illinois, what should we do, roll over and surrender?

    We seem to be at a point where great strides are being made with our 2nd Amendment rights - why shouldn't we redouble our efforts?

  6. Go for it!!! This is your RIGHTS so feel free to tell the canidate what WE(you) the concerned public want. Remind the canidate that he works for YOU !! Good Luck !


  7. Thanks for posting this Tam.

    @MCSA - You've made a good start and I'm glad to see you're working with Illinois Carry. I'm downstate in Springfield so I probably won't make it to your event. Will we see you here for Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD) March 10th?

    Info @

  8. I seriously doubt we'll see shall-issue any time soon in Illinois. May-issue is more likely, because again, elected officials in the city of Chicago, whether they're municipal, county, or state pols all fear voters who can carry concealed. With concealed carry comes the idea that maybe you don't need to go to the local ward committeeman for every little thing. The fight is in Chicago itself. Get rid of Chicago, we'd no trouble. With Chicago, though, we need pro-2A candidates in areas run by the establishment candidates. I don't see that happening very much. So are we pretty much doomed in Illinois? Short-term, yes.

  9. Hat Trick: We usually have a crowd of memebers down at IGOLD. A lot of the organizations from up here pool resources and rent a bus to get down there.

    Personally, I've never been.

    Hey, what we've got is what we've got - I wish I could close my eyes and wish the Chicago machine away, but I can't.

    What I can do is ride the coat tails of Alan Gura (I donate to 'em), throw stones at Cook Co. by having my county board members state that they'd like to see county-based CCW.

    Is county-based carry ideal? Hell no. But it is a start...

    Right now, pro-rights side has a great shot at getting their candidates elected - face it most of the incredible mobilization that Obama got isn't going to be easily repeatable. Especially since he hasn't delivered on marshmallow farting unicorn promises.

    The slow and steady voters, who follow county-based elections really have a good chance here.

  10. MCSA: Tell me about it. I deal with these elected officials and their campaign committees all day. Being apolitical is actually a requirement in my job, since I deal with the three current parties of record statewide. I have many reasons to wish the Chicago pols into someone else's corn field, most of them unrelated to the Second Amendment.

    As for county-by-county CCW, that's even better than a may-issue law. Our current sheriff floated the idea about 10 or 12 years ago, but it's gone nowhere.

    Also, a little food for thought: take a look at the Cook County and City of Chicago Boards of Elections. The addresses are and Look at all the "no candidate" lines in the General Assembly and State Senate primary races. Then take a look at the maps of those districts. That's where the fight needs to go. It's not much of a contest when only one side shows up out of three.

    I may be required by my job's duties to be apolitical, but I don't like seeing one-sided voting contests.


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