Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boots on the (damp) ground.

Farmer Frank escapes cold, wet Indiana by going to SHOT Show in cold, wet Las Vegas.


  1. I'm following him out tomorrow. Want any patches or decals if I can get 'em?

  2. I'll take any beads or trinkets you can spare. :) (Especially of a S&W nature!)

  3. It will be interesting to follow his commentary... :-)

  4. P.O.'d. Witek and I are stuck here in drizzly New Britain making the guns while Teddy and Mark go do the party in Vegas. Bah Humbug!

  5. The rain is kinda nice for us. Not so good for the tourist.

    I had a good walk at the show today, Lots of neat stuff I want to spend $$ on...

  6. Did y'all see that the FBI pulled a Sting operation at the SHOT show, arrested 22 people for 'arranging bribes' - initial story I'm seeing says they offered to pay a 20% sales commission to an FBI agent posing as a foreign national who would arrange for a mass arm purchase for the presidential guard.

    Because sales commissions, that's all totally un-American and shiznit.

    Can you say 'divert attention from Dear Leader and recent Massholery'? I knew that you could. Check out the funny big shoes on the FBI, all part of the new national Bread and Circuses agenda. Hey, they've got Glock-brand red rubber noses, too!

    Of course, ABC doesn't see it quite that way:


  7. I noticed that from Derek's blog too - cold and wet, it liked like Reno last year! Same nasty desert.

  8. Frank does a good blog but, boy howdy, can he complain. Frank, if you don't want to go to SHOT next year, send me your pass.

  9. When Frank complans, you can take it to the bank that he has good reasons. I've been involved in trade shows for twenty years, and unquestionably, the Shot Show this year was run more horribly than any trade show I've ever been to.


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