Monday, January 11, 2010


"Bugs, Mr. Rico!"



  1. The leopard moth is pretty cool, but for the rest there is the 16"/50 Mk. 7 naval rifle.

    To think I was contemplating a tarantula for a hobby, too. (What was I thinking?)


  2. I'm glad I live in a world of diazinon, permethrin, and chlorpyrifos, m'self...

  3. I'm on a small weight-loss program of my own, Tam.

    So if you could continue posting bug shots precisely at my breakfast time...


  4. I think Heinlein got it right - nuke the bugs from Clandathu and tkae the fight to the hive-queen.


    Speaking of bugs, some of us in Illinois are trying to change things and stamp a few cockroaches in the process... Could I beg you to give us a nod?

  5. mantids in general are disturbingly gorgeous little aliens. i love them, but i'm almost afraid of them.

  6. Mantids are badass

  7. My oldest daughter is generally a "ewww bugs..ick" type of girl, but when I caught a Praying Mantis in our front yard and put it in an insect observation kit some relative gave her as a gift, she got interested in watching it. For a while, it was her pet. Small insects, such as moths, crickets, etc became "food". Seriously, she started calling them food (because we fed them to the Mantis).


  8. Bugs I can handle. But Eight legs, a stinger and two claws means I break out the flamethrower.

  9. I have found the Brady's mascot!

    Giant Water Bug (Belostomatidae)

    Occasionally when encountered by a larger predator, such as a human, they have been known to "play dead" and emit a fluid from their anus to make them look less appetizing.

    WV = ingefing

    Remember the Muppet's Swedish chef?

  10. Awwwwww, they're all so damn cuuute!

    ...I'm serious.

  11. Bug can be fun to photograph.

    I found this guy last summer. He kept smiling at me. He was just hanging out on my windshield trying not to get noticed.

    Then there was this young lady at Blackwater a few months back. She was enjoying a little time in the sun with her kid. Well ok, with a bunch of her kids.

  12. I think PJ O'Rourke put it best: "Nature itches."

  13. We have a "house spider" which is a particular black and yellow species of jumping spider that is common to our Texas locale. It grows to about 1/2" at most, and moves in jerky steps or surprisingly long jumps. It is our "house spider" because we don't mind them getting indoors.

    The wolf spiders, which around here get up to 3" diameter, get removed to outdoors asap, however, as they are scary fast. One once got under my bedcovers and ran up the entire length of my body, as I squealed like a five year old girl and went from horizontal asleep to vertical awake within 0.01 seconds. I no longer sleep naked.


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