Friday, January 08, 2010

Fundamentally unserious...

The wife of the man who wore Semtex underoos into what our President leaked was a CIA facility is reportedly proud of her husband's martyrdom:
The wife of an alleged suicide bomber who killed eight people at a U.S. base in Afghanistan last week says she is shocked by his actions but "proud" of what he did.

Defne Bayrak, the Turkish wife of Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi -- a Jordanian doctor identified as the attacker -- said she doubted accusations her husband had been an intelligence agent, but was satisfied he did not die in vain.

No doubt that he was driven to his actions by desperate poverty and grinding social inequality, being a doctor and all...

Meanwhile, the Al-Qaeda operative disguised as a civilian air traveler who livened up flying for everybody after Christmas is going to be appearing in court today, perhaps on charges of attempted littering and conspiracy to commit the dumping of petroleum products and medical waste in federally-protected wetlands.

But, hey, we caught that dastardly Michael Yon trying to sneak into the country. The system worked!


  1. Every time they test it the bombs and guns get through. I have yet to see a headline of a terrorist being caught with his shoes off by a wand-waving groper.

    TSA hasn't caught nor prevented ONE terrorist act. It's political theatre and a job program.

  2. What do you mean? They stopped Yon cold!

  3. OK, you're right. Be he was on Janet's watchlist as a radicalized VET.

    I could give TSA guidelines a hint: If you ask someone how much they make and they say "fuck you"'s a patriotic American Citizen. You might as well wave them through.

  4. I've met and worked near physicians trained (educated?) in that part of the world. Splodeydope would probably be the highest and best use for them, from my observations. The trouble with that is that they're 'social climbers' and don't want to stay within their core demographic, so they try to insinuate themselves into a more Western 'patient base'.


  5. OK, you're right. Be he was on Janet's watchlist as a radicalized VET.

    No Rob, as Brenda pointed out, being on the watch list gets you right through security. . .

  6. Personally I think they make this whole thing far to complicated. How about a simple rule ... if you have to hock up a load of phlem to say your name you get a full cavity search. Oh wait, that would be profiling, can't have that !

  7. "... if you have to hock up a load of phlem to say your name you get a full cavity search."

    So we're going to search Germans but not Nigerians? That seems less than ideal.

  8. Damn, forgot about the Germans. The exception that proves the rule maybe ? Ok, Ok bad theory on my part. I am properly chastised :)


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