Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here's an idea, Mr. President...

If you're so hot on stimulating small business growth, how about just 86ing the capital gains tax altogether. Then people's biggest worry will be how to get to all three of their jobs on time...

(I lied earlier. I ended up watching about fifteen minutes of our Dear Leader in streaming video on before shutting it off in disgust and going and watching something cheerful, like a guy dying of amyloidosis in an old episode of House.)

BONUS! Here's the gaffe I was looking for:
But when the Union was turned back at Bull Run and the Allies first landed at Omaha Beach, victory was very much in doubt. When the market crashed on Black Tuesday and civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday, the future was anything but certain.
So a Hyde Park-dwelling Harvard lawyer who has never had to make a payroll, live under segregation, or wear a uniform invokes all three of those things. Brilliant! This guy makes Dan Quayle look like Audie frickin' Murphy by comparison...


  1. Unlike the rest of us, Joel Gray went quickly. We're strapped into this flaming rocket bucket of coals and we've got miles of hurl-a-curves and dips ahead.


    wv- lognites. 1)The exponential notation of the number of evenings in hell Congresscritters will smoke a turd if this agenda goes through.

  2. I live-blogged it from the radio, typing as fast as I could, considering my BAC. What I wrote is up at my blog, completely unedited, as it flowed.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Glad I was at work... The Aussies I've talked to were NOT IMPRESSED at all...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tam, you're made of sterner stuff than I; I was afraid to risk even 15 minutes of the TOTUS.


  7. Ermm ... the President during the ACW was a Republican.

    LBJ was President while civil rights marchers were getting beaten.

    He did manage to invoke FDR, though. Probably thinks he was a good President.

  8. I liked the part where he talked about the importance of bipartisan cooperation... right before he talked about how the Dems have a historical majority and should force through anything they want.

  9. FDR? You mean the president that decided that Americans couldn't be trusted with gold coins, full-auto weapons and silencers?

  10. Well duh Rick. How many crimes have been committed with machine guns and silencers? Before guns, like, no one ever hurt or killed anyone.

    Just look at all the movies. Movies are reality rick. Heat was like, a documentary.

    Also children can choke on gold coins. They pose more of a choking hazard then other things because of their density.

    At least FDR never imprisoned people based solely on their ethnicity. He also never tried to pack the Court in order to rubber stamp his agenda.

    /informed progressive

  11. At least FDR never imprisoned people based solely on their ethnicity. He also never tried to pack the Court in order to rubber stamp his agenda.

    Thule Lake somehow pops to mind at this.

  12. How long is "A long train of abuses and usurpations?"

  13. The man is a walking malaprop.

    Kind of like his predecessor. Except evil and malicious.

  14. I tried to keep up via Voldkapundit's drunk blogging, but couldn't even stand to know what dear leader was saying at one remove, with a healthy dose of snark.

  15. Me and Mrs. Sepulveda mainlined a few old episodes of Have Gun-Will Travel on Netflix. She is recovering from a strained back and didn't need the agitation.

    And me, I've heard too many lies already this year.

  16. I never watch political speeches; I prefer reading the transcripts. I'm more interested in what they are actually saying than how well they perform in front of a camera.

  17. BobG:

    But you miss SCOTUS Judge Alito shaking his head and mouthing the words "not true" while Obambi was telling outright lies about them.

  18. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" --- Senator Blutarsky


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