Sunday, January 03, 2010

I guess you had to be there.

They were out of regular silhouette targets at the range today, so I opted for a couple of those "photo-realistic bad guy" ones. The first target was interesting: A couple of keffiyah-and-kalashnikov tangos from Central Casting, leveling their rifles directly at you. With the face swathed in the shadows of the head wrap and the muddy browns of the camo jacket, there was a decided lack of "bullseyes", kinda like real life.

The other was a chubby mustachioed dude holding a cute little blond kid hostage in front of him. They looked a little familiar; enough so that when I put my first mag between Mister Hostage Taker's running lights, I blurted out "I just saved Macaulay Culkin from Ron Jeremy!", loud enough to make the guy two lanes over start laughing.


  1. You should have also shot Caulkin.

  2. Save them? They deserve each other!

  3. Maybe it was the other way around?


  4. reflectoscope wins.

  5. And you are familiar with Ron Jeremy how? Would it be from his literary works or something else?

  6. Truthfully?

    Boondock Saints. Somebody had to explain to me who he was. :o

  7. We use the Jeremy/Culkin target in training occasionally. I really don't want to admit how many times the guys off the kid. Scary really...

  8. Narrowly missed the ol' beverage snort there. Good stuff!

    WV: duckerfl

    Adjective for describing how awesome turducken tastes?

  9. Which you just gave me an even better idea - a Ron Jeremy Zombie target - the Zombie Hedgehog. THAT'S win!

  10. I was that guy two lanes down and your comment is still making me laugh. :)

  11. I want an horribly politically incorrect one: An image of a guy in an obvious cop suit holding a pistol to the head of a scared little kid. Sorta like the famous Elian Gonzales pic, except, like, reified.

    WV: walkabbp. Walkabout with Betty Boop?

  12. There went my new keyboard.
    Any idea how to get the cola out?


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