Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm making popcorn...

Michael Steele calls on Harry Reid to step down due to racially insensitive remarks.

No word on whether Exalted Cyclops Byrd has his boss's back or not.


  1. Since Mark Halperin and John Heliemann work for Time and New York Magazine, (you know, the only ones with layers of editoral oversight), I've got to question the timing on this. Google up news for "Harry Reid" and there's a few stories about his (low) approval rating. I think this stink is timed to get his healthcare vote, and then Reid will hopefully resign and another (D) will run in his place.

    The only part where this breaks down is that presumably, Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons (R) would appoint another (R) to fill any vacancy

    Maybe the game plan is to just say he won't run for another term?

    Regardless, since this happened during the election season, this is news only because the lamestream media decided it would get coverage at this point in time.

  2. I'm ambivalent on Harry Reid - he's a stinking commiecrat on a lot of things, but he's at least forced to be neutral-to-positive towards individual gun ownership by his constituents; and his seniority means he's got a lot of power to bring to bear in favor of the 2A. Loss of Sen Reid means a much less favorable Majority Leader in the Sentate for 2A

  3. Maybe the game plan is to just say he won't run for another term?

    Nah. The Scourge from Searchlight™ has far too big an ego to step down until he's good and ready.

    I'm a native Nevadan and I've watched Pinky's career from the start. He's arrogant, elitist, opportunistic and has his nest well-feathered.

    Loss of Sen Reid means a much less favorable Majority Leader in the Sentate for 2A

    He'll stay pro-2A until he's a lame duck. Then watch what happens.

  4. Hence my comment about being forced by his constituents...


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