Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's almost like there was a connection or something...

A guy who's never held a job in the private sector in his life keeps talking about how he's going to fix the economy, and the markets keep sliding.

I am given to understand that three days of sharp declines in a row are unusual, but apparently these things happen when you never stop fighting for the little guy.

If the .gov wants to go after pension funds, they'd better do it quick while they're still worth the paper they're printed on.


  1. Heh, kind of a pita when what he wants to do interferes with what he wants to do...especially for those involved either way.


  2. A guy who's never held a job in the private sector in his life keeps talking about how he's going to fix the economy, and the markets keep sliding.


  3. global village idiot11:17 AM, January 23, 2010

    I made the mistake of going to the second link about the President and his speech.


    Every time I get wind of Obama trying to sound folksy, I taste bile and feel like I have to scrub and scrub and scrub and....


  4. The only thing the Obamination will never quit doing is giving campaign speeches--babbling the same inane dreck he offered during 2008.

    Okay, he'll never quit trying to follow the Alinsky/Davis dream of destroying our society, as well.

    Ah, well. Some years down the road, the USPS--if it still exists--will probably issue an Obama stamp. Won't work. Folks will spit on the wrong side.


  5. campain is all the progressive socialist knows how to do! I still can't believe that there are so many peaple who were taken in by his brand of BS.

  6. With Obama fighting "for" us, we little guys sure don't need anyone fighting against us.

  7. Can somebody PLEASE get that idiot out of the big chair? He's unqualified in SO many ways.

  8. No matter who is in government, if the government can't live on its income - and believes it is TOO BIG TO FAIL, then it will be coming after everything you thought you had, and why the government ever thought it could tell business how to make a product and a profit, I will never understand.

    wv kilit (yeah, Kill It!)


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