Friday, January 22, 2010

It's the economy, stupid.

Scott Brown wins, Air America goes Tango Uniform... My gloating muscles are getting sore.

Air America cites declining ad revenues as one of their woes. Really, I couldn't see any reason to listen to that stuff when you can get the same dreck, commercial-free, on NPR. And I'm already paying for NPR, so I might as well use it, if for nothing else than to keep track of the enemy's mood.

Meanwhile, in other economic news, Obama opens his mouth and stocks slide another two hundred points. They've been in there a year now; you think they'd have noticed that little synergistic effect and convinced Barry to keep his piehole shut for the sake of the DJIA.


  1. Well, you know, we need, "tougher bank rules," 'cuz the banking industry is totally unregulated.

    Kinda like the "gun industry" is totally unregulated.

    (smart ass off)

  2. Back when Air America was first being talked up, NPR had a small panel-discussion thing about it. You had the usual denouncement of talk radio being 'dominated' by right-wingers, and the danger of only having one message get out to the lumpen proletariat.

    But there was one person on there who worked in the real media world - something to do with HBO, IIRC - who was quite amused by all this. Paraphrasing from faulty memory:

    HBO: "It's going to fail."

    NPR: "Wh-what? Why?"

    HBO: "The market for left-wing talk radio is already filled."

    NPR: "What are you talking about? Filled by who?"

    HBO: "By you. NPR."

    NPR: *sputtering incomprehension* "But-but-but we're not left-wing! Objective! Non-partisan!"

    HBO: *amused laughter* "Yeah, you all keep telling yourself that."

  3. Awesome, now we can reclaim the name "Air America" for bad Mel Gibson movies.

  4. "Hmm, the President is making a major economic speech tonight... Hello, Chuck? I want a broad Dow short option. 72 hours is fine."

  5. Air America, the dollar coin of radio.

  6. I'm pretty sure they've noticed and that it's intentional. They do want to punish the big banks after all.

    They just haven't wrapped their head around the fact that they can't have an economic recovery without them.

  7. I am not one who normally believes conspiracy theories. Why assumed that there is some nefarious smoking man behind everything, when stupidity and the laws of economics/the peter principle/laws of physics can explain it?

    It gives me great discomfort that I begin to wonder if Barry is REALLY that stupid, or if it is some sort of deliberate attempt to do something else.

    WV (I am not kidding) is "terist"

  8. Obama - kryptonite to free markets.

  9. I thought they were already dead, didn't Al Franken kill them?

  10. oh ye of little faith! The great political machine called the Demacratic left has just gone into rebuilding mode! The progressives have ruined another chance. Everthing the progressives touch fails with great impunaty! Long live the self-destructive Progressives!!!

  11. I think Franken was the only reason they had an audience. For all the accusations of Limbaugh's somehow unethical influence on the political process...

  12. global village idiot1:52 PM, January 22, 2010

    " think they'd have noticed that little synergistic effect and convinced Barry to keep his piehole shut for the sake of the DJIA."

    You think they HAVEN'T? Remember, this is the same administration, the same administration that appointed Van Jones, Anita Dunn and Whatshisname-The-Kid-Toucher.

    Granted, antics like this fly in the face of Hanlon's Razor but still...


  13. The only thing I still like on NPR is Thistle and Shamrock, and thanks to my local station's lack of interest (and sponsorship) in that program, I have to listen online to another station. When I want to gauge the enemy's mood, I tune into CNN; I can at least pretend I'm getting news too.

  14. Caleb said...

    Awesome, now we can reclaim the name "Air America" for bad Mel Gibson movies.

    I don't know, I thought the uphill landing was pretty cool.
    Part of the Big Agenda is to wreck the economy so as to make as many as possible dependent on the .gov. Conveniently, now he gets to blame the banks for doing, in part, what he helped force them to do.


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